Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] of evidence " in BNC.

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1 Pierburg then sought to obtain photographs of a car which was situated in California , and it was held ( plainly correctly ) that this was not a case of evidence being obtained ‘ abroad ’ and so the Convention was inapplicable .
2 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
3 Many interviews were quoted with contacts in East Europe , all of whom claimed to have proof that Crabb was still alive , but not a shred of evidence was ever produced to support any of these bizarre allegations .
4 It seems that Constanze supplied Mozart with the sexual fulfilment he needed , and , although rumours abounded at the time , and have continued ever since , that both husband and wife took other lovers , there is not a shred of evidence to support such a theory .
5 There is not a shred of evidence that fearsome beasts were ritually slaughtered in the arena or lissome slave-girls routinely sacrificed on the altars of scowling deities .
6 For such a contention there would seem to be not a shred of evidence .
7 Besides , as Minter was in the process of admitting , he had so far assembled not a shred of evidence to support his claim .
8 Cosmas is burnt to death in his bed ; Damien killed by a mysterious archer who apparently can pass through thick walls , but there 's no clue to the riddle , no sign of the Templars and not a shred of evidence to indicate where the Grail or Excalibur lie . ’
9 If she did , he did n't know what he would do ; he had not a shred of evidence .
10 It claimed that Ms Oruene had failed to show she was treated less favourably than any other candidate and that there was not a shred of evidence to show that it had deviated from normal procedures .
11 Dr Reid , author of a book on the Orkney case , claimed : ‘ There is not a shred of evidence of any form of abuse , physical or sexual , since the children 's father was taken out of circulation . ’
12 There 's not a lot of evidence that the government really does know what it 's talking about when it comes to BSE .
13 It is a wild and mischievous allegation , for which the hon. Lady has not a shadow of evidence .
14 There is not an iota of evidence that such standardised testing has improved education anywhere in the world .
15 Redpath had acted at once on the very slenderest of chances — apart from the date , and the fact that Stavanger was missing , there was n't a scrap of evidence to link him with the body found on the Thames foreshore at low tide .
16 She was quite capable of going to the police and making accusations which , since she had n't a shred of evidence , could only lead to trouble .
17 ‘ But I can tell you this , Ranulf , even though I have n't a shred of evidence , I believe the deaths of those two young people have something to do with the murder of Lady Eleanor Belmont . ’
18 I think what we would now say is that of course women are extremely competent programme-makers , but there is n't a lot of evidence that they want to cover different topics .
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