Example sentences of "not [art] type of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For further discussion of " facilities of the same or similar kind " , see Collins v. Hamilton District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 230 , where it was held that it is the facilities which have to be the same or similar , not the type of licence .
2 As previously mentioned , this is not the type of inhibition talked of in Freudian books which , in that context , means to suppress feelings .
3 ‘ Corporal ’ — her voice was clear and could have been that of a schoolteacher reprimanding — ‘ I have n't much opinion of my legs , but I can assure you you are not the type of man I would allow within parade ground distance of them , let alone pull them . ’
4 My wife is sure Maurin 's not the type of man to be violent and that the men who came were n't sent by him . ’
5 Alexander Vass was not the type of man who would identify with the needs of his female staff .
6 Giles , in spite of his charm , was not the type of man she admired , still less the type with whom she could fall in love .
7 ‘ I 'm not nervous , ’ says Dolores , ‘ but I 'm just not the type of person who goes out and can say ( adopts hysterical Lita Ford persona , clenched fists raised to the sky etc . )
8 But he was younger than she was and so very much not the type of person she was used to meeting .
9 Not the type of person to be Kirsty 's mother . ’
10 I 'm not the type of person to tell him straight out to go . ’
11 The problem is not helped by the fact that UCTA refers to the type of goods , not the type of outlet they are bought from , or the quantity in which they are bought .
12 He replies : It 's not the type of car I 'd want my wife to take to the shops .
13 ‘ I am not the type of manager to go in and say right , I 'll take this and create it into something else .
14 She was not the type of woman necessary for this man 's happiness .
15 We hope that although this is not the type of material to which we normally give space , ‘ MI ’ readers will find it a useful ‘ keep and file ’ reference during the months ahead .
16 The residents ' associations were not the type of organization that would welcome such an alliance .
17 Alcoholism is not the type of disease that is inevitably fatal : recovery is possible .
18 Sometimes the grown-ups say ‘ well , look , this is just not the type of thing I want my child even to know about .
19 Examples of this category are black — in blackbird , blue in blue-tit , and red in red wine ( it must not be thought that red here is merely a colour term : a red wine is a type of wine , whereas a red dress is not a type of dress ) .
20 Whole group drama , however , is not a type of drama , but an organisational strategy ; as with any strategy it can be well used or misused .
21 Almost apologetically Mr Humble explained he was n't the type of man to kick someone out of his home .
22 This was n't the type of conversation she particularly enjoyed .
23 It was n't the type of climb on which you wanted to be with a total beginner — Robin .
24 After all , a murderer and a rapist is n't the type of person anyone wants to get mixed up with … ’
25 And she was n't the type of person to have frills around her neck , for God 's sake !
26 And because this simply was n't the type of car that Vauxhall was supposed to make .
27 I gathered from Doone 's face that it was n't the type of answer he 'd expected , but he pulled out a notebook and wrote down the reply as given , checking that he 'd got it right .
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