Example sentences of "not [adv] possible [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
2 For this reason , it is not always possible to carry out the preferred size or type of investigation until certain data or resources become available .
3 However , the TNC-dominated export industries tend to employ more women than men.The reasons for this have stimulated a great deal of argument and it is not always possible to generalize cross-culturally .
4 As illustrated in figure 4.2 , it was also not always possible to relate fully all input costs to programmes .
5 As we have said , it 's not always possible to pin down the exact reason for Cystitis attacks , or why some women suffer so repeatedly .
6 It is not even possible to determine how far these observed patterns can be ‘ explained ’ in sociological , economic or political terms ( no doubt there are people who would also see a genetic component here as well ) .
7 It is not yet possible to say how common the practice of appointing absentee courtiers to administrative posts had become by 1603 .
8 When the hon. Gentleman sees the full details for the range of different places involved , he will realise that there are some complicated plans for north of Inverness — for example , at Dingwall , Kirkwall , Stornoway , Thurso and Wick — and it is not yet possible to determine how they will work out .
9 So whilst you might think it 's a nice idea to make a change to some procedure or work instruction or whatever you want to call it , there may be the odd occasion on which it 's not actually possible to bring in a change because we 're faced with still er meeting the requirements in the base er I S O Nine Thousand document .
10 in December so it was n't actually possible to sort out these these queries .
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