Example sentences of "not [adv] be reduce to " in BNC.

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1 The term acquisition is more frequently associated with the child 's mastery of higher-order understanding which can not easily be reduced to the additive effect of different learning experiences .
2 " only result seemed to shew that the parents of Stockport families preferred a cheap commercial education to a more expensive higher intellectual one and that the latter was necessarily more costly and that the Grammar School fees could not possibly be reduced to the level of the Technical School fees , that School being subsidised by Excise Duties and Government Grants to the amount of double the fees received from Scholars . "
3 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
4 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
5 It is to fail in other words , to understand that literature can not simply be reduced to ideology , that literature has its own specificity , and that it consequently " reflects " the social process in a highly complex and mediated form .
6 In Saunders 's view , the ‘ local state ’ can not simply be reduced to a functioning part of a national capitalist state , for within certain constraints ‘ non-capitalist interests can win at the local level in a way that is becoming increasingly difficult at national level ’ ( pp. 4 , 11 ) .
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