Example sentences of "he announce [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1783 ‘ returning thanks to those gentlemen who have been pleased to employ him with surveying , drawing etc. ’ he announced that a school would be opened at the corner of Tassel Street , near Ridgefield , for the instruction of young gentlemen , in the arts of drawing and painting .
2 The Moslem President of Bosnia-Hercevgovina , Alija Izetbegovic , protested at the holding of the meeting which he saw as unrepresentative and as a move to split Moslems in the republic , and on Aug. 16 he announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Bosnia-Hercegovina at a date to be determined by Bosnia 's parliament .
3 Two weeks later , he announced that a referendum would be held to change the method of electing the President of the Republic , by replacing the electoral college with popular election .
4 He announced that a security expert is to be sent to the Hermitage to collaborate on improved security .
5 Reminded his audience of the existing theoretical provision in the 1977 USSR Constitution for a union republic to secede , he announced that a draft law was currently in preparation on a " mechanism for how a republic could leave the Soviet Union , " including " the time-frame for leaving , defence , communications , and a whole series of questions " .
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