Example sentences of "he walk into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Let him walk into the trap !
2 It made him feel sick and he was grey with misery by the time he walked into the school playground .
3 In 1987 , he walked into the dressing room at non-league Altrincham and turned to the club 's physiotherapist Jeff Warburton .
4 It was a shock , I can tell you , when he walked into the centre and I realised he was my new medical officer . ’
5 He walked into the corridor , tiredness suddenly overcoming him with the prospect of a few hours off , and very nearly knocked Catherine Crane over in his preoccupation .
6 I was staring at a wall-sized mirror when he walked into the bar .
7 He walked into the lobby without a word , entered the kitchen and gazed at the four prisoners .
8 He walked into the hall .
9 He walked into the hall , and brushed his feet hard on the mat .
10 He nodded to Carlson as he walked into the hall .
11 He walked into the warmth of the Bramley Arms .
12 It would n't do him any harm to take this ungoverned creature for a short jaunt in the fields and the experience would give him a splendid ascendancy over Inspector Burden when he walked into the station at nine-thirty .
13 She was pouring herself more coffee when he walked into the conservatory .
14 He walked into the sunlight at the edge of the colonnade , stretched his arms and fingers , and with another gesture to me to help myself passed back inside the room .
15 Carrying the telephone with him , he walked into the kitchen and poured himself a small whisky .
16 She had realised the moment he walked into the Customs office that Nathan Bryce was not a man to cross .
17 Benny had made friends with the local tobacconist and when he walked into the shop at four-thirty-five on Monday he was immediately drawn into conversation .
18 He walked into the canal which was thinly frozen over , remaining partly immersed till he was discovered by other men on their way to the Works .
19 He walked into the room and headed for the door , without looking at her .
20 He walked into the room , his eyes travelling over her , disapproval in every harsh line of his face .
21 The following morning , Lucien nearly retched in horror when he walked into the practise court and saw Amber Epipheny conversing with Resenence Jeopardy .
22 It made Patrick cringe of course , but the inevitable comparison with his brother was high on the agenda when , clutching his share of the £45,000 winners ' cheque and £15,000 for finishing eighth in the Nabisco points table , he walked into the interview room .
23 The day he walked into the manager 's office Norwich were bottom of the First Division and relegation was more a probability than possibility .
24 He walked into the bedroom .
25 He walked into the bedroom and began to dress .
26 It became Minton 's second home , to such an extent that on one occasion when he walked into the Caves de France , a long , dark , rather Spartan bar which had a club licence and stayed open during the afternoons , he confronted a crowd of around fifteen of his friends , a throng he himself had largely created through introducing one to another .
27 When he walked into the office the next day he found the new proprietor 's considerable bulk squeezed into his own chair , took the point and resigned .
28 ‘ That Olivera office opposite , ’ he said to Helen as he walked into the office — ‘ what sort of place is it ? ’
29 True to his word , minutes later he walked into the office .
30 Just as we were about to send someone round to check his milk bottles on Monday , he walked into the office .
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