Example sentences of "he stand [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A statue to him stands at the junction of Seagate and Castle Street , Irvine .
2 A huge bronze statue commemorating him stands in the Town House Square in front of a thirteenth-century residential tower , renovated and given a dome roof in the early nineteenth century .
3 If any forester do find any trespasser wandering within his liberty … within the forest … and after hue and cry made to him to stand unto the peace , will not yield himself , but flee or resist … if the forester do kill any such offender , he shall not be impeached for this felony .
4 Niall 's hand supporting her , she climbed out , following him to stand by a stone wall , then gasped at the sight of the vast blue sunlit curve of the bay now far below them .
5 The blow came at a meeting on Saturday when members voted not to let him stand as an election candidate — despite a recommendation to accept him by the executive committee .
6 I think she 's going off it a bit so I said oh well I 'll come and have a chat and I said listen , I said , I realize you you 've got a lot of school work and that and you 've got your boyfriend , I said , but there is now way that you 're gon na let him stand in the field , getting fat and getting old you 've got
7 They had suddenly pulled up his breeches and made him stand in the corner .
8 She left him standing under the light and walked into the warm cigar-scented room beyond , knowing that the last Russian doll , like all the others , would still be herself .
9 But the good-night was not as definite as it sounded and Fritz , cowed though he was , knew it and walked with Erika to her bus-stop and waited with her in the cold until the bus did trundle along , and even then he made an attempt to get on it with her , a ploy which , with a deft use of her elbow , Erika foiled , leaving him standing at the bus-stop ; a lonely rejected youth , bowed as with the sorrows of all the world — and yet irresistibly comic .
10 Then , he became a little fractious , as take after take was made of him standing on a street corner with an exuberant human leaping over his head a few dozen times .
11 That moment when she had seen him standing on the jetty , a tall dark figure against the bright sun , would remain locked in her memory foever .
12 When the crunch came , she left him standing on the dance floor .
13 It was the sort of mistake he had made too often in the past and accounted for him standing on the brink of a lonely middle age .
14 Saying that he ought to be able to get through a closed door as easily as an open one , Swift is supposed to have left him standing on the doorstep .
15 On the other hand the Police Inspector of the district found him standing with a bunch of yellow flowers in his hand .
16 I have a vivid picture of him standing by the barn and saying in his quietly savage way ( he is the kindest of men ) — ‘ If the American people understood the real character of Alger Hiss , they would boil him in oil . ’ ’
17 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
18 They put the stranger down on the outskirts and left him standing in the middle of the road , his face in shadow under his cap and just a glimmer of those white , pebbly eyes .
19 Sally-Anne took the kiss and the last sight of him standing in the parlour in his beautiful evening clothes up to bed with her , and agreed with him — for really the end of the evening and their happy supper together had been the best thing of all .
20 I can still picture him standing in the centre circle wth both arms held above his head with a grin from East stand to west stand !
21 And I can also remember him standing in the hall with my mum and her saying , ‘ I am going out ! ’ and him , for some reason I will never understand , bursting into tears .
22 I came down when she called me and found him standing in the living-room with a look of distaste on his face as he looked round at the overflowing ash trays , the dirty grate , the pile of chair cushions tumbled in the middle of the floor .
23 Belinda knew it would be Tom Russell , but that did n't stop her from flushing foolishly at the sight of him standing in the doorway , jiggling his car keys in his hand .
24 Of course , she would n't go ; the image of him standing in the porch of the tall house , pressing the bell pointlessly , made her lips twitch .
25 On the morning she saw him standing in the body of the church , dark as a gypsy in his morning suit .
26 He stands on a set of stone steps which run the length of the square .
27 Guess we kinda know now where he stands on the issue .
28 Alan Rough has given more to Scottish football than he could ever take and for that reason alone he stands on the terraces of Hampden Babylon like a colossus .
29 Gallup in September 1980 asked voters to indicate which of various descriptions best suited the two candidates and Reagan was placed well ahead of Carter on several leadership questions : ‘ Has strong leadership qualities ’ , 65 per cent — 31 per cent ; ‘ Decisive sure of himself , 69 per cent — 37 per cent ; ‘ Has a well defined progam for moving the country ahead ’ , 53 per cent — 27 per cent ; ‘ You know where he stands on the issues ’ , 54 per cent — 33 per cent .
30 ‘ Why am I so stupid ? ’ asks Lehman Brothers ' Don Young , adding when asked where he stands on the stock now , ‘ I am under water . ’
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