Example sentences of "he [vb past] a short [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He experienced a short moment of panic .
2 The affair did not last long , but he got a short story out of it .
3 He used a short position of 1905 contracts in his arbitrage .
4 In 1640 he was given the minor office of master of the Posts , but did not retain it beyond 1641 , at the end of which year he suffered a short spell of prison for alleged defiance of a parliamentary order .
5 He climbed a short distance up the curve of the dome , then his feet lost their purchase and he began to slide back down again .
6 He financed a short film , The Space Movie , in which Oldfield 's music was set to footage from the American space programme .
7 He asked us to stay by the door while he walked a short way down his garden .
8 After leaving school he spent a short time in his father 's office .
9 He spent a short time in Paris , studying French surgical methods , and then returned to Liverpool and joined his father 's practice in 1858 .
10 He spent a short time in conversation with Iris , who looked at him in a way that made Melissa want to shake her .
11 Accommodatingly , he recorded a short speech for me to learn phonetically .
12 Eventually " Cocky " agreed with the proviso that he undertook a short course at Warboys on the Mossie before he attempted what was known as the Cheshire low-level marking technique .
13 Eventually he took a short lease on a much smaller house in Upper Brook Street .
14 He was walking back from a Didcot Pub , when a gang set upon him as he took a short cut across a railway footbridge .
15 He died a short time later .
16 Yes er he eventually er I in fact spoke to a Detective Inspector er at the police station er he informed me that er Detective Constable had a good knowledge of these persons and I therefore instructed that er D C make contact with me which he did a short time later that evening .
17 He gave a short video presentation of the Hall and the facilities .
18 He gave a short laugh .
19 When she finished he gave a short laugh and bowed his head .
20 He gave a short laugh .
21 He gave a short laugh , twisting back from her to lift her chin , inspect her shattered face .
22 His warm hands moved smoothly over her shoulders and he gave a short laugh .
23 He gave a short laugh .
24 He gave a short laugh .
25 He gave a short laugh , as hollow as his voice .
26 He gave a short laugh .
27 He gave a short laugh .
28 He gave a short laugh that sounded genuinely amused .
29 He gave a short laugh .
30 He gave a short laugh .
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