Example sentences of "he [vb past] the [noun sg] service " in BNC.

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1 He said it demanded an immediate custodial sentence , but as Spencer was of previous good character and had already spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence , he made the community service order .
2 Qazi Muhammed Aslam was summoned and he read the marriage service in the sublime presence , fixing the bride 's mihr [ jointure fee in case the marriage were later dissolved ] at five lakhs of rupees .
3 He entered the merchant service and in 1744 , as a mate of a vessel returning from Virginia to Hull with a cargo of tobacco , was taken prisoner by a privateer .
4 In the past , too high a priority was given to placating jail unions , he told the prison service annual conference in Blackpool .
5 After this he joined the fire service and works today for the Shropshire Fire Brigade .
6 He contacted the fire service who hosed the burning car .
7 ‘ Katherine 's sister , a pleasant , sensible woman , said to the priest , ‘ This is the wrong grave , ’ and the priest said , ‘ That 's the grave I was told to open , ’ at which stage he started the funeral service and Helen said ‘ Stop !
8 He took the funeral service . ’
9 He said the fire service was treating the blaze as ‘ of doubtful origin . ’
10 He suggested the ambulance service adopt a rapid response paramedic on a motorcycle , equipped and trained to save life using specialised equipment and techniques .
11 A physically brave man ( he was a noted wrestler and had instructed Harry Pascoe in the art at one time ) he was doctrinally circumspect , so he conducted the marriage service in such a way that he could not be labelled as either a papist or a puritan .
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