Example sentences of "he [was/were] asked [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The turning-point in his fortunes came in October 1861 , when he was asked to take on the printing and publishing of the Union newspaper , which was trying to bring Tractarian Anglicans into touch with Roman Catholics .
2 It was through his partnership with Bertie Fisher that Meeke 's Opel connections were established in the early Eighties and when the Spanish arm of the operation needed assistance he was asked to take on a supervisory role .
3 So oft we went , leaving Pop at ‘ Prospect Lodge ’ in Simla ( a holiday home for missionaries ) until he was asked to go down to Poona and look after a soldiers ' club .
4 Jefferies ' excuse was accepted and , after a reprimand from John Martin for not behaving like a man , he was asked to sit down .
5 The prospect would receive , with an impressive newsletter , a little white card which he was asked to fill in and send back .
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