Example sentences of "polls suggested that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Polls suggested that Kennedy 's approval rating amongst his Massachusetts constituents had fallen so dramatically following the episode that he might fail to secure re-election in 1994 .
2 GarcĂ­a went underground and issued calls for national resistance , but this found little echo on the streets , and subsequent opinion polls suggested that Fujimori retained the overwhelming confidence of the public .
3 Projections from the polls suggested that Labour might make over 500 net gains on May 3rd , and the prospect of such a result led to speculation about the removal of Mrs Thatcher from office .
4 Opinion polls suggested that Bush was losing ground within the state to his main challenger , Patrick Buchanan , who continued to campaign effectively on an " America First " platform of right-wing isolationism .
5 By the end of August the opinion polls suggested that Bush had reduced , but not eliminated , Clinton 's lead .
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