Example sentences of "urgent need [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 There is an urgent need to improve the training of our young people to make them among the best trained in Europe , in the skills needed for industry , for the present and for the future .
2 There is an urgent need to progress the implementation of the Council Tax structure and to make appointments to Council Tax posts in order to meet the short timescale for the implementation of Council Tax from 1 April 1993 .
3 Trustees of Ferranti family shareholdings in the company wrote back saying there was an urgent need to reinforce the board so that proposals and the inevitable approaches that the company would receive could be reviewed by a strengthened board .
4 A current Commission-approved discussion paper that the Secretary of State must know about on state aid for the coal industry states that there is an urgent need to define the reference price for European coal .
5 However , in relation to the theme of this chapter , this development was significant because it created an urgent need to justify the massive input of resources .
6 As to the reasons why this alteration is necessary , the county council thinks there are three reasons , The first is to reflect the wish of government that the development planning system er is up to date , second and more practically , to provide a context for district wide development plan , and third , the urgent need to resolve the future strategic planning direction of greater York .
7 Does the Minister agree about the urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish sea , in the hope that there will soon be a Government who will not dissipate the revenues from such exploration , as happened so tragically in regard to the North sea ?
8 She says there is an urgent need to monitor the process which leads to the decision to videotape .
9 But with the more urgent need to get the property market moving , the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that with immediate effect , the threshold for stamp duty on houses is to be doubled from £30,000 to £60,000 — which will save home buyers up to £600 .
10 New party groupings and alliances are being formed and new policies hammered out , influenced by internal pressures for social change and redistribution , by the impact of inflation and unemployment , and the urgent need to meet the demands of external agents , most notably the IMF and the international banking community .
11 The thousands of visitors to the excavations have shown there is an urgent need to make the site into an archaeological park .
12 The years 1917–21 had been devoted chiefly to the legitimization of the regime , whereas the stress from 1922 until 1926 lay on the urgent need to raise the cultural level of the population .
13 The appointment of Kang , 67 , a Moscow-trained economic technocrat who had served as Premier from 1984 to 1986 , was widely interpreted as indicative of Kim Il Sung 's recognition of the urgent need to reform the country 's highly centralized and largely moribund economy .
14 An official statement said that the postponement had been agreed " in the light of the current situation in Lebanon and the urgent need to revive the efforts of the Arab League 's tripartite committee " [ for October 1989 Lebanon peace accord agreed in Taif , Saudi Arabia , see p. 36986 ] .
15 Without prejudice to our views in paragraph 27 above , we favour a reduction in landbanks from 10 years to 5 on the basis that it would signal the urgent need to reduce the rate of supply and consumption of minerals , and conserve existing reserves .
16 Without prejudice to our views in paragraph 27 above , we favour a reduction in landbanks from 10 years to 5 on the basis that it would signal the urgent need to reduce the rate of supply and consumption of minerals , and conserve existing reserves .
17 Claiming that the two main candidates had failed to address seriously the urgent need to reduce the federal deficit , Perot said that he had re-entered the race in order " to put our financial house back in order " .
18 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
19 There is an urgent need to revitalise the old concepts of open and distance learning , frameworks for individualised study supported and moderated but not delivered by trainer/tutors .
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