Example sentences of "apply for a residence " in BNC.

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1 The boy 's paternal grandmother had unsuccessfully applied for a residence order .
2 Held , allowing the appeal and granting the applications , that since on an application for the grant of leave under section 8 no question with regard to a child 's upbringing was determined , and since section 10(9) stipulated particular matters , including parental wishes , to which the court was to have regard on such an application , section 1(1) did not apply so as to make the children 's welfare the paramount consideration on an application for leave to apply for a residence order made by a person other than the child concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had applied the wrong test ; that as a result of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the application the judge had been deprived of additional material necessary to the proper exercise of his discretion ; and that in the exercise of a fresh discretion , having regard to the new evidence and to the circumstances of the case , the foster mother 's application for leave would be refused ( post , pp. 428G ā€” 429F , 430F , 431Cā€“E ) .
3 This appeal is by the local authority , with the leave of the judge , from an order made by Sir Gervase Sheldon , sitting as an additional judge of the High Court , on 20 December 1991 , whereby he granted to the foster mother , who had been the foster mother of four children in the care of the local authority , leave to apply for a residence order in respect of those children .
4 However , on 19 December 1991 the period of six months from the date when the children left the foster mother 's home and she ceased to be their foster parent was due to expire , and she would then be free to apply for a residence order under section 8 in respect of the four children , without the local authority 's consent under section 9(3) ( a ) .
5 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
6 She was not told of the foster mother 's application for leave to apply for a residence order and knew nothing about it until after leave had been granted .
7 The foster mother 's application for leave to apply for a residence order under section 8 was governed by section 10(9) which provides :
8 Accordingly , he granted leave to the foster mother to apply for a residence order in respect of the four children .
9 It was common ground that in granting leave to the foster mother to apply for a residence order the judge was exercising a judicial discretion .
10 594 ) , that on an application for leave to apply for a residence order with respect to a child in the care of a local authority : ā€˜ Only in quite exceptional cases would leave be granted against the wishes of the local authority . ā€™
11 That expression of opinion by the Law Commission can have no relevance to the construction of the Act , whilst any bearing it might otherwise have had on the matters which the court should take into account in exercising its discretion whether to grant leave to apply for a residence order in respect of a child in the care of a local authority has clearly been superseded by the express provisions of the Act .
12 A local authority can not apply for a residence or contact order and the court can not make such an order in its favour ( s9(2) ) .
13 If a relative applies for a residence order to discharge the child from care the court can make a s34 contact order if it decides not to grant the residence order .
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