Example sentences of "make a concerted effort " in BNC.

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1 She has also made a concerted effort to improve her knowledge .
2 In line with the recent emphasis on leisure in our society , libraries have made a concerted effort to attract young people .
3 People were slow to come out and if these people had made a concerted effort in the beginning it might have been different ’ .
4 We 've made a concerted effort in recent years to make the articles in our association magazine , Business Credit , relevant to the day-to-day problems credit and financial managers face , and to present the latest techniques and applications .
5 De Gaulle 's lucidity on this point was eventually justified by events , but not before the Americans had made a concerted effort to eliminate him as a political force .
6 to go to the other extreme and over-indulge you must make a concerted effort to curb this .
7 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
8 In view of the late notification by the Sports Council advising that our grant for the current year would be out by £7000 the Society 's Steering Group felt we should all make a concerted effort to raise this amount so that all schemes and administration could continue as planned for 1988 .
9 After the collapse of the MacDonald government and the dispute with the ILP , the Labour Party made a concerted effort to increase the strength of the League .
10 Feeling her temper begin to rise again , Rory made a concerted effort to rein it in .
11 The formation of such a vacuum is a dangerous possibility which will be avoided only if the nations of the world make a concerted effort to clean up the religious chaos once and for all .
12 The staging of the Democratic convention in New York spurred the city into making a concerted effort to get the homeless people off the streets , and people who lived in the shanty town were evacuated , their homes cleared by bulldozers .
13 Tomorrow is Day 7 , and you need to make a concerted effort to ensure that the results at the beginning of Day 8 really demonstrate your progress through the week .
14 They agreed to invite more men to the next meeting ( two attended the Harare workshop ) and to make a concerted effort to bring their concerns to the AACC leadership .
15 It is up to government and industry , as well as those with resources in land and money , to make a concerted effort to secure our country 's wealth and heritage for the future .
16 The President of the World Bank , Barber Conable , urged the international community to make a concerted effort to reduce world poverty by adopting development policies and assistance programmes aimed specifically at helping the poor .
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