Example sentences of "[num] bid [pers pn] be [verb] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Lot number twenty seven twenty seven the bronze model there 's the bronze model fifty for this , at fifty , thank you , fifty is offered , at five , sixty , sixty five , seventy , seventy five , eighty , eighty five ninety bid I 'm offered ninety pounds at the back , anybody else at ninety , ninety five one hundred going on sir ?
2 Lot number one O four Lot number one O four military sword there 's the sword showing for a hundred and fifty pounds , at one fifty , sixty , at one hundred and seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty , two forty two sixty bid I 'm offered two sixty and I shall sell at two sixty , any further bids ?
3 Lot number fifty Lot fifty is a wood carving , a Japanese wood carving , eighty pounds for this , eighty five , ninety five , one hundred and ten I 'm offered a hundred and ten pounds , I shall sell , one twenty , one thirty , forty , fifty one sixty bid I 'm offered one sixty to my right , at one hundred and sixty pounds , have you all finished at one sixty ?
4 Four twenty , four fifty four eighty bid I 'm offered four hundred and eighty pounds , I shall sell at four eighty if there 's no further bid at four hundred and eighty pounds five hundred in time going one sir ?
5 Lot number seventy eight Lot seventy eight a patinated bronze teapot there 's the bronze teapot a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at one hundred and twenty pounds , one thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty ninety , two hundred two twenty bid I 'm offered two hundred and twenty to my right and selling for two twenty , two forty two sixty , two eighty three hundred and twenty three fifty three eighty four hundred and twenty four fifty , eighty five hundred and fifty six hundred six hundred pounds offered anybody else at six hundred pounds still to my right at six hundred pounds .
6 Lot number one hundred and thirty one Lot number one three one is the container sutra container , there it is for two hundred pounds , at two hun , two twenty , at two hundred and twenty offered , at two hundred and twenty pounds any more at two twenty , two forty , two sixty , two eighty , three hundred , three twenty bid I 'm offered three twenty and I 'll take three twenty , any further bids at three twenty ?
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