Example sentences of "the right to self-determination " in BNC.

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1 Of course , each German state retains the right to self-determination , but it can be only exercised in the context of other norms and principles of international law .
2 Mr Shevardnadze told members of the European Parliament that while the German people had the right to self-determination there would have to be ‘ political , legal and material guarantees that German unity would not eventually create a threat to the national security of other states and to peace in Europe ’ .
3 Suicide and attempted suicide ceased to be a crime when the Suicide Act 1961 became law , in recognition of the right to self-determination , but there remains an offence of aiding , abetting , counselling , or procuring the suicide of another which carries a maximum penalty of fourteen years ' imprisonment .
4 Many of the cases involve compassionate assistance , of the kind which may be necessary and justifiable if the right to self-determination is to have any meaning for those who are weak or bedridden ( e.g. responding to a request to bring pills ) , but not all are like this .
5 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
6 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
7 The right to self-determination might realistically be extended to cover those who desire their own death but lack the resources or the strength to accomplish it : this is a strong argument for a mercy-killing defence or offence .
8 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
9 The public repudiation of Russian chauvinism was to offer the oppressed the right to self-determination , or as he now put it , so that there should be no ambiguity , the right to secede from Russia .
10 Now only workers and peasants should enjoy the right to self-determination .
11 All nations have the right to self-determination
12 Repeated UNLU communiqués called for recognition of the PLO , the refugees ' right of return , and the right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state .
13 The philosophical premiss which underlies the general principle is the right to self-determination .
14 Once expressly absolved , then by operation of the general principle of the right to self-determination , the other would incur no liability for the consequences of the absolution .
15 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
16 Associated status can be a means of fulfilling the right to self-determination , and limitations upon treaty-making and other foreign affairs powers can be a recognition of the limited economic and political capacities of micro-States .
17 Collective rights have been less readily accommodated , as exemplified by the decisions of the Human Rights Committee that Article I of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the right to self-determination is not amenable to the individual communication procedure .
18 However the right to self-determination has been indirectly considered through recourse to other provisions of the Covenant , notably Article 27 .
19 In UN parlance the former classification entailed the right to self-determination , while the latter generally did not .
20 Denktash insisted that a future federal constitution recognize the Turkish Cypriots as a separate people with the right to self-determination ( with its implication of possible secession and partition ) .
21 A political statement released by the PNC at the end of the session called for an international conference on the Middle East , under UN supervision , to be convened on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 ( 1967 — see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ; 34898 ) and 338 ( 1973 — see p. 26197 ) , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people , of which the most important was " the right to self-determination " .
22 The new Bill of Rights excluded the right to self-determination , the right to have elected executive and legislative councils , and the right of foreigners to fight deportation [ see below ] .
23 On June 28 the congress proclaimed the Crimea to be " the national territory of the Crimean Tatar nation , on which it alone has the right to self-determination " .
24 On Jan. 20 a committee of the Assembly produced a draft law on the right to self-determination and proposals for a Constituent Assembly for the new Yugoslavia .
25 Voice of Palestine radio reported on Jan. 21 that the PDR 's objectives included " the right to self-determination and the setting up of an independent state led by the PLO " .
26 According to the Sunday Island interview , Vellupillai Prabhakaran proposed negotiations under UN auspices , without preconditions ( but with insistence on the recognition of the right to self-determination of the Tamils ) .
27 [ T ] here was no longer , in my view , any solution except to give Algeria the right to self-determination . "
28 Since the Brazzaville Conference of January 1944 he had never ceased to believe that " the populations dependent on us should have the right to self-determination " .
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