Example sentences of "the road to socialism " in BNC.

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1 A red national flag was chosen , no alliances with non-party forces were envisaged , the country was said to be on the road to socialism .
2 Newens 's views were perhaps influenced by his contacts with Ceauşescu and he had written or edited at least three books about Ceauşescu : Nicolae Ceauşescu — the Man , His Ideas and the Achievements on the Road to Socialism ( which appeared in at least three editions between 1972 and 1978 to satisfy popular demand ) , Talking with Nicolae Ceauşescu , and Nicolae Ceauşescu — The Effort to Create a Modern Romania .
3 To justify this and Stalin presents it as a revolutionary me measure , as a shift to the left , as the creation of socialism , to justify it er Stalin presents the argument that the whole world is moving forward to a new stage on the road to socialism , it 's all a lot of nonsense but the ideological needs of the regime in Russia are determining the advice which is being given to er various communist parties .
4 The Socialists ( 24.5 per cent ) had considered merging with the Communists when the war ended to create a single working-class party but their leaders , like Leon Blum , believed that the road to socialism lay through a liberal-democratic political system rather than a Soviet-style regime .
5 From this kind of perspective on the road to socialism , to even consider reconstructing or reforming the British constitution is regarded as a trifling nonsense that borders on the evil of a naive reformism itself .
6 At a time when many socialists were moving away from a naive faith in the prospects for revolutionary change and towards uneasy respect for democracy , Labour in office was doing little to justify belief in the viability of their vision of the road to socialism .
7 He continued : " This means that by moving towards a market we are not swerving from the road to socialism , but are advancing towards a fuller realisation of society 's potential . "
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