Example sentences of "[be] held [prep] the [noun] hall " in BNC.

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2 It was agreed to leave the co-option of a new councillor for discussion during the annual parish meeting to be held at the village hall on Tuesday , April 28th beginning at 8 p.m .
3 A bingo and supper event will be held at the village hall in Stillington , near Bishopton , on Shrove Tuesday , March 3 , to raise money for church funds .
4 A jumble sale will be held at the village hall on March 19 .
5 A bingo and supper event will be held at the village hall in Stillington , near Bishopton , on Shrove Tuesday , March 3 , to raise money for church funds .
6 On Saturday a jumble sale will be held at the village hall for St Michael 's Church .
7 WI news : A jumble sale will be held at the village hall on March 19 starting at 6.15pm to raise money for institute funds .
8 Neasham WI news : A jumble sale will be held at the village hall tonight starting at 6.15pm to raise money for institute funds .
9 Church meeting : The third meeting in the series What is Our Church For ? will be held at the village hall on Monday night starting at 7.30pm .
10 A domino drive will be held at the village hall tomorrow .
11 A race night will be held at the village hall on Saturday , May 16 to raise money for hall association funds .
12 A jumble sale will be held at the village hall on March 19 .
13 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
14 A public meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday , 25th July at 7.30 pm .
15 The next meeting of the committee will be held in the Village Hall on Monday , 25th February at 7.30 pm .
16 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
17 A table-top sale will be held in the village hall from 10am to 1pm this Saturday .
18 A coffee morning is to be held in the village hall at 10am on March 27 .
19 A jumble sale will be held in the village hall at 6.30pm on Tuesday , March 10 .
20 Games night : A night of board games for all ages will be held in the village hall on Friday March 20 , admission is 50p and all are welcome .
21 Brafferton and Coatham Mundeville Dance date : A 50–50 dance is to be held in the village hall on Friday , April 3 .
22 Sadberge Jumble sale : A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Tuesday April 7 at 6.30pm in aid of the church .
23 Games night : A night of board games for all ages will be held in the village hall on Friday , admission is 50p and all are welcome .
24 Jumble sale : A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Tuesday April 7 at 6.30pm in aid of the church .
25 A table top sale will be held in the village hall on Friday at 7pm to raise money for the adventure playground .
26 A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Tuesday at 6.30pm in aid of the church .
27 A table top sale will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday February 15 from 10am onwards .
28 It will be held in the theatre hall of Cardinal Newman High School and will involve 3 representatives of the planning or pastoral teams recently established in each parish .
29 Briefly , if a church , for example , wanted to raise money , the ladies of the congregation organised themselves into small groups , often into pairs , and each group distributed invitations to perhaps a dozen or fourteen friends to a tea to be held in the church hall or some other suitable place .
30 Within a short time a National Deaf Conference was arranged to be held in the Lecture Hall of St Saviour 's Church , Oxford Street , London on 16–18 January , 1890 , and invitations were sent to all deaf societies and missions , requesting them to appoint representatives .
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