Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the former soviet [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 11 five Polish nationals living in Frankfurt and Bochum were arrested when police uncovered consignments of radio-active caesium and strontium believed to have originated in the former Soviet Union .
2 These figures are more than 200 times higher than the official toll of 31 deaths as claimed by the former Soviet government .
3 At a press conference the Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , agreed that it was likely that the surveillance equipment had been installed by the former Soviet authorities , but he insisted that it was Russia 's responsibility , as the successor state , to remove them .
4 Russia , which in January 1992 had assumed the special guest status enjoyed by the former Soviet Union , on May 7 applied for full membership of the Council .
5 The chair of the Russian Central Bank , Georgy Matiukhin , announced on Jan. 10 that Russia wanted a deferral of interest payments on the $84,000 million debt owed by the former Soviet Union to commercial banks and western governments , in addition to the deferral of principal repayments agreed on Dec. 17 [ see p. 38656 ] .
6 The price of software in Moscow has remained stable so far , despite the sharp drop in the dollar-rouble exchange rate last month : market researcher Soft Market polled 20 software dealers in Moscow and found that prices are steady in spite of the currency fluctuation and Borland International Inc 's use of a US dollar benchmark for its rouble products sold in the former Soviet Union — where it had set rouble prices according to local conditions , it now takes a dollar price and converts it into roubles at the market rate .
7 Until recently , however , only the Archaeological Survey of India and the Konserwacji Zabytkow of Poland were permitted to work at Angkor Wat and Bayon , respectively because , like the Cambodians , they were aligned with the former Soviet bloc .
8 In June Austrian police had seized weapons-grade uranium reported to have been smuggled from the former Soviet Union [ see p. 38987 ] .
9 Although technically complete the full line-up for Murrayfield 1993 has yet to be confirmed , simply because no-one knows whether the slot allocated to the former Soviet Union is going to be taken by a CIS selection or by one of the break-away republics .
10 Most of this amount was in fact credits hitherto allocated to the former Soviet Union which had now been unblocked .
11 However , he emphasised that Ukraine wanted a share of the resources allocated to the former Soviet Union by Germany , for resettling on its territory some of the former Soviet servicemen who were to be withdrawn from Germany by 1994 [ see p. 38354 ] .
12 At a news conference on Aug. 17 , Gorbachev criticized the economic policies of the Russian leadership and again urged that a new type of union be negotiated by the former Soviet republics .
13 Under what conditions is western aid being given to the former Soviet Union ?
14 Russia agreed to assume Kirgizstan 's US$800 million foreign debt inherited from the former Soviet Union .
15 Given the 74 years of Communist dictatorship and the long period of Tsarist dictatorship before that , is it not essential to provide aid and assistance so that at long last Russia and the countries associated with the former Soviet Union can become stable democracies ?
16 The question of the control of nuclear weapons stationed in the former Soviet Union had been removed from the agenda of the previous summit in July [ see p. 39018 , where the month is wrongly given as June ] , for fear of a deadlock in the negotiations .
17 Reflecting other concerns , notably the future of nuclear weapons stationed in the former Soviet republics , ministers called on Soviet and republican leaders to ensure " the safe , responsible and reliable control of nuclear weapons , and actively prevent proliferation of those weapons and other means of destruction " .
18 Hungary depends heavily on Russian energy , and its export commitments in agriculture , processing , and foodstuffs are oriented to the former Soviet Union .
19 Cuba had reportedly dropped its previous demand , put to the former Soviet government of President Mikhail Gorbachev in September 1991 , when his government had announced the troop withdrawal , that any such withdrawal should be simultaneous with that of US forces from the Guantánamo naval base on the south-east tip of Cuba [ see pp. 38430-31 ; see also p. 38669 ] .
20 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
21 The allegations were denied by a senior naval official who said that the sales were of obsolete vessels and fulfilled contracts signed by the former Soviet Union 's Ministry of Defence .
22 An International Labour Organization ( ILO ) report of March 30 said that the slump in production would mean that more than 15,000,000 jobs would be lost in the former Soviet Union in 1992 — 12 per cent of the workforce .
23 Does he agree that western aid should be given to and deployed in the former Soviet Union with care and tact so that those proud people are not humiliated or offended ?
24 Malcolm Toon , a special US envoy inquiring into US prisoners of war still held in the former Soviet Union , was quoted on July 1 as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate the claims made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin in June [ see p. 38986 ] .
25 Toon had been quoted in July as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate claims that US POWs were still being held in the former Soviet Union [ see p. 39031 ] .
26 It will work initially from a base of existing systems and CAD/CAM standards established by the former Soviet Union which were exported to the republics and East European satellites .
27 It will work initially from a base of existing systems and CAD/CAM standards established by the former Soviet Union which were exported to the republics and East European satellites .
28 Will the Prime Minister bear in mind the vast quantity of surplus conventional and chemical weaponry held by the former Soviet Union states ?
29 Initiated by France and the United Kingdom , the summit had reportedly been convened to grant de facto recognition to the permanent membership of Russia which , on Dec. 24 , had informed the UN of its intention to assume membership of all UN organs previously held by the former Soviet Union .
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