Example sentences of "detach herself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She noticed the card , noticed me with widening eyes , and in a short while detached herself from the owners and stood and waited .
2 Mavis detached herself from the group and looked as though she thought she probably ought to be making an effort to take charge .
3 At that moment Belinda looked over her shoulder and , seeing them together , detached herself from the rest of the group and tramped through the dying bracken towards them .
4 In the warmth of Penry 's arms she came face to face with the truth , survived it , and after a while she detached herself from the comforting embrace , accepting the box of tissues Penry passed to her before resuming his chair .
5 However , she said that she was quite happy to visualize the scene without having to detach herself from the reality of it .
6 While Maureen , who raised the alarm , began to detach herself from the child she had taken home , returning it briefly to hospital , Marie held the infant she called Gemma tightly to her .
7 Thus the quarrel between Megara and Corinth , which drove the former to detach herself from the Peloponnesian League in 461 and join Athens , was originally over boundary land .
8 But soon she began to detach herself from the girls sitting hand in hand in the Bun Shop and from their faintly rebuking way of going at their books .
9 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
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