Example sentences of "manifest itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Let us hope that it manifests itself through some outward show .
2 Although , childbearing patterns thus belong to the behavioural sphere , their effect on the viability of offspring manifests itself through biological and physiological factors .
3 In modern clinical psychoanalysis it manifests itself as that part of the ego which represents a critical self-awareness which is both censorious and exhortatory , being the representative of standards , ideals , commands and prohibitions .
4 Later versions of Bacon can recognise that each star has an intrinsic property which manifests itself as this ’ constant ’ .
5 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
6 One of the points on the sense-spectrum presented above — and this is typical of the metaphorical variety — has a special status , which manifests itself in two principal ways .
7 The methodological criterion on which our own study must be based is the following ; that the supremacy of a social group manifests itself in two ways , as ‘ domination ’ and as ‘ intellectual and moral leadership ’ .
8 The very nature of deafness and the subsequent difficulty in defining the term ‘ deaf ’ , the way it manifests itself in disrupted communication , the history and structure of deaf education and the size of the deaf population , have traditionally given deafness a high profile within special education .
9 This manifests itself in various ways .
10 It manifests itself in certain physical , professional and institutional forms : rooms , buildings , posts , chairs , departments , associations , journals , conferences , and so on .
11 This variation in form manifests itself in different ways , depending on the language .
12 It manifests itself in different ways in different types or organizations .
13 Through observation of his own case , he became convinced that chronic muscle tension — a result of life 's physical and emotional stresses — which overlays and destroys natural poise we have as tiny children , and manifests itself in hunched shoulders , clenched jaws , a slouched or twisted spine , with , as often as not , the head held to one side , could not but interfere with the efficient functioning of the body , restricting breathing , circulation and digestion .
14 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
15 Their conclusions may be summarized quite simply : there is no evidence to show that specific infant-care practices have an unvarying psychological effect on the child that manifests itself in later years .
16 The main cancer that affects AIDS sufferers is Kaposi 's sarcoma , not previously noted among white young menthe average age of the victims is 35 — which manifests itself in purplish spots that neither itch nor hurt but do n't clear up .
17 The use of collage , together with the irregular rhythms and lurching harmonies , may signify ‘ in the unconscious ’ ( which often manifests itself in irrational jumbles of material ) .
18 Rulfo 's oral style — which manifests itself in this novel and in the stories of The Burning Plain , in the frequent repetition of words and phrases , in a manner typical of the backtracking of oral narrative — is , of course , much more than a formal device , for its function is to take us inside the world of a rural peasantry whose cultural tradition is non-literate .
19 Egocentrism manifests itself in communicative terms as an inability to take account of another 's point of view ; instead , the world is seen rigidly from the standpoint of the self .
20 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
21 A typically ambiguous attitude towards foreigners manifested itself at this point .
22 But the spirit of the age among the people I knew manifested itself as general drift and idleness .
23 This astonishing diversity manifested itself in great complexity of relationships and in our lacking dominance almost everywhere .
24 We may eventually come to think in terms of a Minoan Universal Spirit , which manifested itself in many different transformations , each with a different name , character , and function , and which yet somehow was regarded as a single deity .
25 It manifested itself in pedestrianised town centres and neighbourhood centres , in Radburn type housing layouts , by the provision of a direct footpath system quite separate from , and more direct than , the roads , and by bridges or underpasses where footpaths crossed the distributor roads .
26 A concern with pupil autonomy manifested itself in two ways .
27 By the summer of 1925 his growing disillusionment manifested itself in ceaseless role-playing , posing , self-interrogation .
28 My ‘ want ’ first manifested itself in rudimentary arithmetic lessons when problems were posed concerning the respective times taken by A and B to fill baths , one of which had a hole in it .
29 Their resentment at Gloucester 's insertion into the area manifested itself in open rivalry with the duke and early in 1470 Edward was obliged to intervene in the quarrel .
30 Their resentment at Gloucester 's insertion into the area manifested itself in open rivalry with the duke and early in 1470 Edward was obliged to intervene in the quarrel .
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