Example sentences of "having be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Georg Latzelberger , was destroyed in a forced-landing having been hit by both fighters and A.A. fire .
2 ‘ Mr Baines received minor injuries having been hit by his wife with an artificial tree , ’ he said .
3 Fenella told me , breathily and all excited , that they were going to operate and we 'd all have to leave , but it was all right really because Salome 's mum ( who was ever so nice ) had turned up having been called by Frank and was in there talking to the surgeons .
4 The routine at this stage never varied It was unlikely that he would find it necessary to leave his office until the time came to visit the missing girl 's parents and in the meantime he was capable of giving the usual orders while half asleep — which he very nearly was , having been called from his bed not much after five in the morning .
5 Of the three , that showing John Tradescant is the finest , for neither corpse in the other two paintings is shown in shrouds , both women having been painted as if at the moment of death rather than after the laying-out .
6 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
7 Having been dismissed as a kitchen maid , she harnesses her poetry to her teapot .
8 If you end the contract for any reason during the trial period , you will be treated as having been dismissed on the date when your original job ended .
9 Dogan , a nephew of the President and a leading conservative in the ruling Motherland Party ( ANAP ) , was described by official sources as having been dismissed on the President 's orders " apparently over a rift in domestic politics " .
10 Having been dismissed from parade , the children race downstairs to where the Rangers ' 22 horses and Ponies are housed in splendour .
11 Having been damaged in January by allegations of marital infidelity , Clinton began the month with poll ratings which suggested that he had once again established a significant lead over his Democratic rivals .
12 Newspaper announcement , June 1794 : ‘ The public are most respectfully informed that Mr Edmund Bond ( late a Pupil of the Veterinary College ) has undergone an Examination before the Medical Committee , and the following is a Copy of their Report : These are to certify that Mr Edmund Bond has attended the Veterinary College as a Resident Pupil for Eighteen Months , and having been examined by us , we consider him as qualified to practise the Veterinary Art .
13 He received his certificate which stated : ‘ These are to Certify that Mr Edmund Bond has attended the Veterinary College as a resident pupil for 18 months and having been examined by us , we consider him as qualified to practise the Veterinary Art ’ .
14 Thereafter Miss Logan , despite having been engaged for her experience , confined herself to the cabin .
15 Apart from the confusion of squadrons , the implications of his having been engaged in this quite different operation were serious .
16 Having been engaged in an undeclared war with China since 1937 Japan took advantage of the French defeat in 1940 both to close one of China 's last remaining links with the outside world , the Haiphong — Yunnan railway , and to begin her advance into Southeast Asia .
17 The Countess of Huntingdon 's Methodist Connexion , founded in the mid-18th century , was yet another Calvinistic organisation , we may note with interest ; what with Robert Titford being baptised at one of their chapels , and his sister Elizabeth having been registered with the Zion congregation in Frome , Calvinism seems once again to have cast its shadow across the family , even into the 19th century .
18 The 80,000,000 yen in bribes was part of a total of more than 500,000,000 yen allegedly given by Kyowa to Abe , some of which appeared to have found its way directly into the coffers of the Miyazawa faction without having been registered under the political funds control law .
19 1 on the ground , having been flown from their barracks in Omagh some twenty miles away .
20 Having been overruled by the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) hierarchy and the spending ministries on requested budget cuts , Solchaga had regained the initiative through these measures of financial and trade liberalization .
21 I was fiercely proud of Scotland , having been indoctrinated by glowing tales from my Mother , and felt that the land was mine by birthright .
22 And I mean er er you could argue that you know , because he 's er erm you know targeting the young and people who are at school in particular , the fact that , you know , if he 's successful in targeting those , then by nineteen forty nine those school children will be sort of will be the , the peasants , will be farmers and therefore will be more willing , you know , having been indoctrinated by his thoughts er or , or by the communist way of thinking , then erm for the revolution .
23 That the Bill shall be laid upon the Table of the House by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office on the next meeting of the House after the day on which the Bill has been presented and , when so laid , shall be read the first and second time ( and shall be recorded in the Journal of this House as having been so read ) and , having been amended by the Committee in the last Session , shall be ordered to lie upon the Table .
24 Furthermore , my passport was lost in a postal strike in France , and the wheelbarrow was not yet ready , Hawker Siddeley having been hampered by staff shortage and technical snags .
25 Having been groped by the Croatian National Guard , the friends parted company , the press to their pens on the platform 's left hand , Joshua to sit among the delegates of his local Party .
26 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
27 The nonconformist movement built their first chapel in 1821 , with four having been erected over the years for the Primitive , Congregational , Baptist and Methodist movements , only the latter still regularly meeting .
28 That was when the islanders voted to join Canada rather than resume the status of ’ responsible government ’ after having been run for 15 years by a commission from the United Kingdom .
29 When Banner treated its properties as investment properties in its 1990/91 accounts , auditors Stoy Hayward added to their report : ‘ Without qualifying our opinion above , we draw attention to note 8 which refers to the valuation of investment properties having been conducted by the directors at open market value assuming vacant possession ’ ( see ACCOUNTANCY , September 1991 , p 33 ) .
30 The interim legislative body was condemned as phoney , membership having been determined by the Americans ; it contained no representatives of workers or peasants but instead represented the sordid interests of Korean capitalism .
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