Example sentences of "having [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 I suspect that for many young Germans it might be pretty meaningless , as it would be for their British or French contemporaries , who simply want to get on with their lives without having to attend to the doings of another generation .
2 Any petty misdemeanour resulted in the offender having to report to the Corporal of the day with his entrenching tool after evening ‘ appel ’ .
3 For example , you may ignore her persistent whining for attention after one constructive attempt to distract her by suggesting a pleasant and diverting activity ( after all , you re having to see to the baby ) .
4 And the others do n't care either , only Hoomey , because of his Bones having to go to the knacker 's . ’
5 A journal called Current Contents : Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together the contents pages of the most recently published journals , but a range of indexing and abstracting journals can be used to find out about the contents of journals without having to go to the journals themselves .
6 That early hour also avoided having to go to the schools to take children , an action which had caused such controversy in November 1990 .
7 One of the most enduring memories is of the Labour Government having to go to the International Monetary Fund , ‘ cap in hand ’ , to ask for a loan to prop up the UK 's sagging economy .
8 And we had erm we , there was a few changes during that time , we used to get troops coming in and occupying the classroom , and we maybe , at the very early days I can remember having to go to the Street School and also the Street Hall which belong that was a church hall .
9 Claydon has made no secret of the fact that his immediate goal is to win enough to secure a Tour Card for 1990 without having to go to the Qualifying School at La Manga .
10 Depositors are issued with cheque books which enable them to spend the money directly without first having to go to the bank and draw the money out in cash .
11 ‘ He was speaking to himself rather than to me at the time , but I recall Jeff muttering under his breath something about having to go to the mainland soon … ’
12 Having to go to the end of the road , well it 's daft now .
13 right we 'll get back here then and , not having to go to the post office now will be a help cos that really is the other end of town in n it ?
14 It 's where to pay to money , and you 're having to go to the bank manager , what would he ask for ? the business plan , and you 'd have to draw that up and do all the and you have to impress the bank manager before he will even consider an overdraft facility , or whatever , a loan .
15 It was bad enough sitting in the London traffic without having to listen to the mumblings of his international racing manager .
16 Yes we could do so it would be a matter of judgement for the er er for the Home Secretary how far to take it and he would have to balance the likelihood of er other countries all ratifying and the inconvenience to those taking part in the election here er if er there is some uncertainty to the end and maybe having to revert to the current constituencies , er I hope and expect that these matters will be settled in the next few weeks .
17 TENNIS champ John McEnroe yesterday slammed having to bow to the Royal box at Wimbledon .
18 Her punishment is having to bow to the inevitable .
19 Lord Tenterden C.J. went on to point out that the defendant in the first action would not have been relieved from having to contribute to the defendant in the second case if the latter had been compelled to pay a larger portion than his share .
20 Prison reform is generally well-publicised , with the Home Office having to react to the findings of investigations such as the Woolf Report ( a report on prison conditions published last year , in response to the Strangeways riot ) .
21 As in Britain , French newspapers are having to respond to the growing demand for advertising space by adding extra pages .
22 Charles V could scarcely avoid having to respond to the appeals lodged by Albret and Armagnac .
23 You should be able to go into turns and make centring movements without having to refer to the slip ball , yaw string , or ASI .
24 England need only unanimous support from the Test countries to win the World Cup vote without having to refer to the ICC 's associate members .
25 It has been included so that you can refer to it for comparative purposes , and so that you can choose equipment for character models without having to refer to the army list entries or the Warhammer rulebook .
26 It has been included so that you can refer to it for comparative purposes , and so that you can choose equipment for character models without having to refer to the army list entries or the Warhammer rulebook .
27 It has been included so that you can refer to it for comparative purposes , and so that you can choose equipment for character models without having to refer to the army list entries or the Warhammer rulebook .
28 From past experience he knew that this subject was usually given a low priority , on the basis that by far the majority of business is transacted without ever having to refer to the small print .
29 My unease at having to cut into the glass , at having to add to the glass , he wrote .
30 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
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