Example sentences of "having [vb pp] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Elizabeth , having given birth to 13 children and aged only 46 , was buried at Catherine Hill on 19 June .
2 In the year 1170 , Sancie , the widow of Count Gaston V of Béarn , was sentenced to trial by water here , having given birth to a child rather too long after her husband 's death .
3 William looked up at her and Hari smiled , pleased with the way his cheeks had filled out and that the set of his shoulders was straight now , his fear of violence having given way to a new confidence in himself .
4 It will be remembered that hydrogen , having given way to the use of coal gas from 1821 , although still being utilised when effective pressurised containers were designed later in the century , regained popularity with 20th Century airships .
5 At the inquest held on the same day the jury found that he had been in a deranged state of mind , his friend Wilshere having given evidence to that effect .
6 The various multi-individual influences on the purchase decision take the form of a number of roles which are : *the initiator — who originates the purchase process , having given expression to the need or want that motivates it .
7 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 6.03 in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1989 and 12 March 1991 sent business letters relating to its investment business without bearing the legend ‘ Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry on investment business ’ contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.02 and in that the firm at Shipley between 9 September 1988 and 1 October 1989 entered or required its Principal to enter into an association or arrangement with a person which might result in the defendant being constrained or induced to refer or introduce a client to a person who was not an independent intermediary with a view to that person giving investment advice contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.03 and in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1986 and 31 October 1989 failed before recommending or effecting for a client a transaction in units in an authorised unit trust or a recognised collective investment scheme , to take reasonable steps to establish that other more advantageous or suitable policies or units were not available contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.11 and in that the firm at Shipley between 1 November 1989 and 16 October 1991 having given advice to a client which was such that when acted upon it resulted in commission being received by the defendant , failed to notify the said client in writing of the amount and terms of such commission as soon as that information was available , contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.32 was reprimanded , fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
8 However , it may also involve the firm indicating having given advice to its client in public documents the content and form of which may need to be agreed with the Stock Exchange .
9 In his memoirs Acheson lays much stress on the impact of the House vote and sought to play down criticisms of his own speech of 12 January ; the latter criticisms had focused on Acheson having given encouragement to a North Korean attack by not making clear what the American reaction would be in these circumstances .
10 They had both lost their fathers in the same year , Preston 's having fallen victim to leukaemia , William 's to the charms of Another Woman , and this had left William 's grandad as the only adult male presence in both households .
11 The report described Antigua as having been " engulfed in corruption " , and as having fallen victim to people who used " political power as a passport to private profit " .
12 He was also accused of having committed Falkirk to a contract for the sale of its ground at Brockville Park and the purchase of a site for a new ground without the board 's knowledge .
13 Colonel Gordon Wilkinson confirmed that the Army had gone into contract catering in a ‘ substantial way ’ , having let contracts to a variety of both large and small companies , including Gardner Merchant , Compass and Sutcliffe .
14 Bessmertnykh was accused of having recommended ambassadors to be " guided " by the SCSE documents .
15 There were reports of some units already having transferred allegiance to Ukraine , including the 48th division , withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in 1990 , which had disobeyed orders of Sept. 10 to move to the Caucasus .
16 Gen. Michael Dugan , the US Air Force Chief of Staff , was dismissed by Defence Secretary Dick Cheney on Sept. 17 for having made remarks to journalists concerning possible future US military strategy in the Gulf .
17 Having said farewell to Susan , the Doctor has moved the TARDIS on again , bringing it to rest in a cave somewhere on the planet Dido .
18 At ‘ The Caithness and Sutherland Industrial and Art Exhibition ’ to give it its full title , a labourer was charged with having done damage to the extent of £8 by falling upon a glass case and breaking a valuable jug the property of one John Fitsgibbon , china merchant .
19 The court adjudged that , having requested access to a lawyer , a suspect could not then be questioned without the presence of a lawyer , even if he or she had already conferred with the lawyer .
20 Local authorities would be well advised in future to preface all their decisions with the words : ‘ Having had regard to all relevant matters and having disregarded all irrelevant matters , and having considered the interests of all those likely to be affected , resolved that' etc .
21 Our early encounters with power may have deterred us from ever wanting to use it in a similar way ; having suffered from a cold , distant father or a smothering mother , and inevitably having attributed power to these parents , we may well decide that power is a negative force and not for us .
22 Talks between Shar " and UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd were centred primarily on Gulf war developments , both Syria and the UK having contributed forces to the United States-led anti-Iraqi coalition .
23 He feels it necessary to emphasise the closeness of his connections with the government by the reference to having played host to an MP , and also stresses the sincerity conditions ( " I speak the truth … " and " I assure you … " ) for his speech act of threatening .
24 Specifically Alvarez was accused of having administered drugs to Camarena in order to keep him alive while he was being tortured by his drug cartel captors .
25 In an interview with La Stampa yesterday , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA chief Carlo De Benedetti condemned the pervasive system of political corruption , which he says obligated Olivetti to pay bribes or lose contracts , as ‘ having reduced Italy to a state worse than the Third World ’ : he says that at the last shareholders meeting earlier this year , he had to deny any bribery because he could n't preview information to the shareholders that was intended for the legal authorities ; he says that facing the judges , he felt liberated from a weight — ‘ then I felt a sense of justice — it pleased me to be there , ’ noting that when the company decided that the demands of the postal service for slush funds became too extreme and Olivetti stopped paying , ‘ we did n't sell another machine to the Post — we had arrived at the absurd point where , if we did n't pay , we did n't work and the moment we quit paying , we did n't work any more ’ .
26 Having reduced Helena to tears by refusing her a kiss on his departure for the wars , he has , you notice , to check himself from an involuntary lunge forward to comfort her .
27 Pentos shares had dropped to 61p on the Monday before Christmas , having slipped 5.5p to 65.5p the previous week .
28 Having brought Othello to the point where he proclaims ‘ I 'll see before I doubt ’ , and when he knows , ‘ Away at once with love or jealousy ! ’ ( 191ff . ) ,
29 Having sworn allegiance to the sovereign on 15 October , the Volunteers then had a special function to perform two weeks later : they were out in force at Divine Service on 29 November , forming a focal point for a day of General Thanksgiving for the glorious victories achieved by His Majesty 's troops by land and sea .
30 Britain is seen as having surrendered power to the Common Market in a way that has limited our freedom of manoeuvre and turned us into a colony of an embryonic West European federal state .
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