Example sentences of "having [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She is in fact already a teacher of a few years ' experience , with one class in her own village of Strathkinness in Fife , and two more in nearby St. Andrews ; she has even more experience as a traveller , having for some time regularly made the journey to Edinburgh by bicycle and train to attend training Saturdays with Rita Quick and Monday recreational classes with Muriel Jessop , and during the last two years undertaken the long trip south to take part in Aston Clinton weekends .
2 if I 'd got here a minute quicker I 'd got you some chocolate biscuits you could of been having with that cup of tea
3 " This Meeting having with much regret felt the Inconveniences arising to the Island for the Want of a Jail , wherein Disturbers of the Peace and other Transgressors of the Law might be Confined … are of the opinion that Shawfield should be apply 'd to , and these Grievances Stated , that he may of course procure the Sherriff 's warrant to have a Jail Established … "
4 Some teachers felt that the advisers were out of touch with the problems they were having in this respect and saw more oral work as an unrealistic expectation — that pupils did not consider oral as work and were often not prepared to listen , thus to try to do it would only be creating problems .
5 It is thought impolite to accuse voters , sometimes called people , of having in any way failed .
6 But with him having on this side , because he 's so blooming awkward he 's been pressing the play switch and of course , so the tapes been turning round , have n't bothered to che , so you know , he was sort of saying well well play that tape and I 'll write their names down of the people as they speak , just the first names , you know so there 's loads of
7 81 the Court of Appeal , affirming the decision of Birkett J. at first instance , held that a trade union , having at that time a legal personality recognised by the law , could sue in defamation .
8 If at a time before the end of the relevant period any property ceases to be property subject to a reservation , the donor shall be treated for the purposes of the inheritance tax legislation as having at that time made a disposition of the property by way of a potentially exempt transfer ( s102(3) and ( 4 ) ) .
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