Example sentences of "having [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
2 Having been damaged in January by allegations of marital infidelity , Clinton began the month with poll ratings which suggested that he had once again established a significant lead over his Democratic rivals .
3 Apart from the confusion of squadrons , the implications of his having been engaged in this quite different operation were serious .
4 Having been engaged in an undeclared war with China since 1937 Japan took advantage of the French defeat in 1940 both to close one of China 's last remaining links with the outside world , the Haiphong — Yunnan railway , and to begin her advance into Southeast Asia .
5 However , two millworkers ' cottages , that formerly consisted of three storeys , each of a single room , stand close by , having been converted in the late '50s .
6 The Birmingham Six case was the latest in a series where convictions had been overturned in cases arising from the Irish Republican Army 's 1974 public house bombings in England , the " Guildford Four " having been freed in October 1989 [ see p. 36983 ] and the " Maguire seven " in June 1990 [ see p. 37536 ] .
7 Hekmatyar 's and Masud 's forces entered Kabul on April 25 , the latter having been placed in charge of a six-member Kabul City Security Commission , created by the IJC in Peshawar .
8 Nine people — six monks , two novices and an elderly nun — were found dead in a Buddhist temple in Arizona on Aug. 10 , each having been shot in the back of the head .
9 Trotsky and the ice-man had been his attempt to solve the problem of why he was still alive despite having been shot in the head .
10 The outlines of Freud 's later theory were made available in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , the first mention of the death instincts having been made in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle .
11 Accordingly , there is no possibility that any moneys paid into the account by Barclays Bank Plc. or Kleinwort Benson Ltd. would still be there now , the last payments made by those parties pursuant to the interest rate swaps transactions having been made in September 1989 and September 1987 respectively .
12 As many wartime evacuees found to their alarm , rural housing remained at a lower standard than that to be found in most urban areas , with only slow progress having been made in the provision of piped water , sewerage and electricity .
13 Some connection having been made in his mind , he began to rebuke her for a belief in the reality of Noah 's Ark , which he referred to sarcastically as the Myth of the Deluge .
14 A negligent misrepresentation is one made by someone who believes it to be true but has no reasonable grounds for so believing , e.g. a car dealer who claims as having been made in 1959 , a car of a type not manufactured before 1960 .
15 However , the two seats reserved for Unionist MPs were not taken up because of Unionist opposition to the 1985 Agreement ( provision for the existence of the Body , first mooted in 1980 , having been made in the Agreement ) ; Molyneaux dismissed the meeting as a " social occasion " .
16 Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland warned at the congress that Norway risked isolation from its Nordic neighbours if it failed to re-apply ( earlier applications having been made in 1962 , 1967 and 1970 ) .
17 He was an Associate of the Royal Academy , having been elected in 1855 .
18 ( The qualification " available " is necessary because some list candidates would have disappeared , having been elected in constituencies . )
19 The House elects the President of the Republic for a five-year term , the current incumbent , Vincent Tabone , having been elected in April 1989 [ see p. 36599 ] .
20 Despite the protests , local elections for the country 's large provincial and metropolitan assemblies went ahead on June 20 as scheduled — the smaller assemblies having been elected in May , the first such elections in more than three decades .
21 In what observers saw as a trade-off , Yeltsin announced that legislative bodies would serve the remaining 2@1/2 years of their full term ( having been elected in March 1990 ) and that more than 80 directly appointed heads of administration responsible to the President would continue in office ( a moratorium on local elections was due to be lifted on Dec. 1 ) .
22 The primary system was adopted in 1992 , in place of a system of simple plurality ( first-past-the-post ) , in order to prevent a candidate from winning executive office with less than 50 per cent of the vote ( Etpison having been elected in 1988 , against six rival candidates , with only 26 per cent of the total vote ) .
23 MATLOCK TOWN , the HFS Loans League team , are still in the FA Trophy - despite having been defeated in the first round .
24 The election result improved the presidential chances of Kim Dae Jung , and seemed to make it certain that he would contest the presidency for a third time , having been defeated in 1971 and 1987 .
25 In 1959 Dean Martin turned up in a Sinatra film , Some Come Running , having been wandering in the Hollywood wilderness since breaking up with his former screen buddy Jerry Lewis .
26 This remarkable pioneer created twelve of these machines , of which eight still survive , the remaining four having been lost in battle or exploded during trial runs .
27 The manager had watched Rangers play Dundee United at Ibrox last month and has therefore seen Walter Smith 's side put under pressure over two games — a two-goal lead having been lost in Glasgow before Ally McCoist eventually scored the winner .
28 The houses next to these almshouses were quite modern for the street — probably having been built in the eighteen-seventies .
29 The roof together with the sides were bolted into position permanently , after which the sliding doors were fitted , these also having been built in a jig .
30 Perpetuation of this system would have meant , as we can predict from the above reasoning , that when the nation 's sewers finally collapsed , having been built in the last century , a huge financing requirement would have been forced upon the industry .
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