Example sentences of "having [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 But having done it , having completed the half a day or whatever it is we have , you know it 's not really a case of saying Right well that 's it .
2 The writer writes out of his own wounds and in doing so he enables his reader to experience emotional change , emotional growth , healing without having to suffer the same fate as his character .
3 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
4 The authority of the Minister of Health ( the new Ministry having succeeded the former Local Government Board ) was no longer required for the preparation of a scheme ; instead , all that was necessary was the resolution of a local council .
5 On July 12 Castro congratulated the deputies on " not having made the least concession in these difficult moments " ( referring to the growing economic crisis ) .
6 Therefore the woman , not having had the same training as a man can not possibly demand the same wage ; also not being physically as strong , she can not compete with him where heavy lifting is required .
7 What will the impact be of this on subsequent rehabilitation , having had the same stress of acute infarct ?
8 Never having shown the same propensity as the French for violent revolution , the dispossessed have entered into a complex ritual of action within the processes of the criminal justice system , and in doing so have encouraged those tasked with their containment to consider them as being less than human and therefore needing further control and discipline .
9 He was mentioned in despatches , for having displayed the same casual courage his companions had remarked on before the war as he pursued his favourite pastime of mountaineering ( he had neither the time nor patience for golf and was reckoned by devotees to be only a fair-weather fisherman ) .
10 He says that they were only just recovering from making cuts last year , now they 're having to do the same again ; only this time there will be redundancies .
11 A big man , six foot four inches in his socks and a good fourteen stone , he always looked mildly untidy , and this morning , having worn the same clothes for a day and a half he looked like a football supporter after a night in the cells .
12 On the other hand , the idea of having to use the same ball that went into touch if you want to take a quick throw-in is a red herring .
13 Indeed , where success is possible with a pass mark of 50 per cent or less and there is a choice of questions on the examination papers , two pupils may pass who have little in common beyond having attained the same grade .
14 In 1899 the London , Chatham and Dover and the South Eastern Railways were brought under the operational control of a joint managing committee and Sykes was appointed consulting electrical engineer to the new organization , in which capacity he continued until his death , having served the same railway for fifty-four years .
15 It seems you keep having to hold the same conversation over and over again .
16 At twenty-eight , I began to find myself , having overcome the many spiritual depths I 'd sunk to in my emotional isolation .
17 The superiority of this latter group on a test task which involved choice between A and B could well depend on their having learned different labels ( and on the control group having learned the same label ) for these stimuli .
18 We do have occasions where we 're having to say the same thing er over and over again , because nothing very much has happened .
19 Erm first of all er would you , if er if you became Euro candidate er the unequivocally support the objectors to this motorway and secondly , would it be an embarrassment to you having to take the same line as Gary on the matter .
20 She resisted all temptations to give in to homesickness : she had been given the choice between staying at home and starting a new life , and having chosen the latter she was determined to enjoy every waking minute to the full .
21 They ran over a few in their minds , having acquired the same references .
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