Example sentences of "large and [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though these measures are not due to necessity , as the people here are glad to be of service to us and treat us with courtesy in which not a little deference is admixed , for as I say they count many simple things great wonders : my fine paste shoe buckles ( the only part remaining after some native rats that are very large and like to be tame devoured the rest of the appurtenances ) inspired much clicking of teeth and clucking of tongues till I thought I should have to part with them .
2 Although Koehler ( 1914 ) suggested that O. nodosa was conspecific with O. anomala several differences are apparent , O. anomala differing from O. nodosa by the following characters : 1 , the jaw appears narrower than O. nodosa ; 2 , the apical and oral papillae do not appear to be as long nor as widely separated from each other as in O. nodosa ; 3. the distalmost oral papilla is often large and flap like in O. anomala but long and flattened like the other papillae in O. nodosa ; 4. the shape of the oral shields differs in O. anomala where it is rounded pentagonal with a rounded to obtuse proximal angle , straight lateral sides and a straight or slightly rounded distal edge , in O. nodosa it is a more ornate pentagonal shape with an obtuse proximal angle , slightly indented lateral sides and a rounded distal edge or one with a slight median projection ; 5. the ventral arm spines of O. anomala are slightly rugose with small or no secondary points doing the shaft ; those of O. nodosa have very prominent secondary points along the shaft ; 6. the ventral arm plates of O. anomala appear to be narrow and less axehead shaped than O. nodosa .
3 They have to be constantly on the move , seeking the fruit and insects on which they live , but their babies , usually twins , are particularly large and have to be carried piggy-back until they are quite old .
4 But already by the time of Pope Gregory I ( d. 604 ) the monastic movement , widely diversified as it was , was being integrated into the life of the church at large and open to the demands made on it by the church 's interests and needs .
5 These propositions are large and open to a variety of possible objections .
6 The tentacle pores are large and open with one long flat tentacle scale .
7 A family with the disk ranging from a sack-like bag covered with skin or thin scales to a more rigid structure covered with large plates , usually armed with spinelets , granules , or simple rods , the density of covering varying ; the characters of the oral frame falling into broad categories ; either the jaws longer than broad with many papillae or as broad as long usually with fewer papillae , rarely more than 6–7 ; the arms usually noded but sometimes only slightly so ; arm spines usually erect , often long and rugose ; the tentacle pores either large and open with small tentacle scales or none at all or small with a variety of tentacle scales .
8 The tentacle pores are large and open on proximal arm segments .
9 The tentacle pores are large and open without tentacle scales , gradually becoming smaller on the distal segments .
10 The tentacle pores are large and open without tentacle scales ; the tentacles themselves are long and not retractable and may obscure the plates beneath .
11 The tentacle pores are large and open without any tentacle scales .
12 The tentacle pores are large and open without tentacle scales .
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