Example sentences of "done with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The price , to a cheetah , of growing larger leg muscles is all the other things that the cheetah could have done with the materials and energy used to make the leg muscles , for instance make more milk for cubs .
2 The length of the repairs to be done with the flagstones will vary from several miles to a few hundred yards , and they will be laid with the help of local authorities , volunteers and environmental associations .
3 Cor , there was boxes of brand new tools come down there , spanners , and they used to be the , like these , like a big chopper , well they used to have couple of all with erm breezed up with erm like greaseproof paper over 'em , bag 'em up into the holds , guns , there was guns , what done with the guns they hit the er , just near the barrel or the trigger , th they used to flatten them out so they could n't use 'em but they all went in the ships bombs , or little shells they used to find in there , all scrap iron .
4 The question arises as to what should be done with the surpluses that arise .
5 Boiotian history from 479 till the First Peloponnesian War of 460–446 is not recoverable , though something can be done with the coins .
6 Up till now we have only considered the potential uses of the various desktop publishing products but it is important to look at what can be done with the things that they produce .
7 What you done with the lights ?
8 This is like some getting done with the ads .
9 We could have done with the masks upstairs at the ‘ Music Journalism ’ gathering , where a group of rock writers were taking themselves — and their , ahem , Art — extremely seriously .
10 The producer should reasonably foresee what might be done with the goods , such as predictable misuse by a child .
11 The cost of warships is unknown , but something can be done with the byrnies which every eight hides were ordered to provide in the same year .
12 This can only be done with the parents ' help .
13 Then I would expect that most of your work would be done with the parents of children , rather than children themselves .
14 Whether in terms of German economic and monetary union , the immediate measures that the European Community will be thinking of taking , the transitional arrangements once Germany is unified , and that this was done without any rancour but was done with the feelings of directly elected parliamentarians .
15 Now when this is all over , and Saddam has got to be stopped , forcibly stopped , when this is over , I believe that there 's got to be no reneging as this country has constantly done with the Arabs ; there has got to be a Middle East conference , and the Israelis said ‘ yes , we agree to your State , but return to your original frontiers or you will get the same treatment as Saddam has got . ’
16 I 'm not sure what I 've done with the instructions , so it 's it
17 Not for nothing is water polo an Italian expression to describe business life : the fouls are done with the feet under the water where the umpire can not see them . ’
18 No I 've seen what he 's done with the others .
19 But none of them noticed , they were hunched within themselves , absorbed , waiting to be done with the decisions and get home .
20 And this is what they ga ga done with the lads in the end .
21 ‘ What have you done with the kids ? ’
22 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
23 ‘ What have you done with the spanners ?
24 This tension between the cerebral and the visceral was usefully explored in Kim Evans ' film for Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) about the connections between two professions where the work , though very different , is done with the hands .
25 Then when her house was due for demolition , she and Viola met , and Viola asked what should be done with the manuscripts , as she was thinking of selling the house .
26 ‘ Let us be done with the arguments of participant observation versus interviewing — as we have largely dispensed with the arguments for psychology versus sociology — and get on with the business of attacking our problems with the widest array of conceptual and methodological tools that we possess and they demand ’ .
27 Museums like the Science Museum now built up collections of enormous value to the historian of science , for the provenance of the pieces is known , and we can only judge past science when we know what could be done with the tools available .
28 In January it was decided to go on talking but let a ’ monitoring group ’ suggest what should be done with the results .
29 What have you done with the petitions ? ’
30 Mystified , they rode eastwards at a great pace , Ramsay for one not ungrateful to be done with the restraints of keeping to the pace of marching men .
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