Example sentences of "done in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I prod and pry in all the little nooks and crannies — but it is all done in a caring way . ’
2 It follows , so it seems to us , that normally , when a film is being shown to a jury and the judge , in the exercise of his discretion , decides that it should be done in a closed courtroom or in a cinema , he should allow representatives of the press to be present .
3 Any breeding of fish must be done in a separate spawning tank to avoid this problem , as well as the only means of saving the fry .
4 Chief executive Jim Greenwood said : ‘ The work can not be done in a close season , so we are looking to start it next February and have the new stand ready for August , 1994 .
5 The interior has been excellently restored after damage caused in the Second World War , though it has been done in a modern , simplified manner .
6 And even though ‘ Trout ’ has a message , it 's not done in a tedious , obvious way — it does n't hammer you over the head . ’
7 It looks as though this is being done in a serious , not just a token , way .
8 THIRTY FIVE people died and others were maimed for life in the Clapham rail disaster in December last year because work was done in a slovenly , haphazard way and was then left unchecked .
9 This has been done in a similar fashion to Martin 's approach , where the fret ends are chopped off square and then individually rounded , rather than by running a fret file down the sides of the neck and lopping all the ends off at a 45 degree angle .
10 Subscribing is done in a similar way to books , through representatives/freelance agents and , increasingly , direct marketing and telesales , selling from colour catalogues and perhaps sample covers with contents illustrations .
11 The seeking of business success is far too difficult and serious a matter to be done in a cosy way .
12 Voluntary work in the community can be just as useful as anything you may have done in a paid capacity .
13 The lion 's share of the braking is done in a straight line but the time comes when the rider must set in motion the chain of events which will take him through the corner .
14 The format of the church funeral service allows this to be done in a recognized , public , orderly and time-limited way .
15 Twisting should be done in a gentle , flowing manner .
16 If a fuller search is deemed necessary , it must be done in a suitable place by an officer of the same sex and unless the suspect consents to accompany the officer , he must first be arrested .
17 But to have to allow it to be done in a strange place was impossible .
18 Railways , Spearman went on , had the power to break local strikes , as they had done in a recent coal strike in the United States , and the operating officers and freight-yard superintendents took on a military-style power .
19 This practice may be done in a forward direction ( forward chaining ) or a backward direction ( back chaining ) .
20 Notwithstanding this , if one has a taste for adventure and no fear of hard work , the rewards are ample not only in terms of a tax-free salary but in the satisfaction of a job well done in a challenging and interesting environment .
21 We started everything from scratch , which is nice , because people get so stuck in their ways : you walk into a professional studio and things are always done in a certain way .
22 Have your detective say it is very important to tell whether something is or is not done in a certain way ; then show that thing being done in either of the ways mentioned ; but immediately before that happens put in , quite boldly , what it is you want to slip past your reader .
23 Erm , we need to be convincing in challenge , otherwise the challenge , erm , we should question whether there is a need for any change , erm , if things have been done in a certain way for a certain period of time , erm , just because we want to change them , does n't mean to say that it does n't
24 It was made clear to us that Operation ‘ Brisket ’ for the road haulage dispute , ‘ Bittern ’ for the rapidly growing ambulance drivers ' dispute , and ‘ Nimrod ’ in the case of the water workers ' action , were all long on detailed planning , but short on how much could actually be done in a major dispute .
25 There is no excuse for inflicting them on your fellow-citizens by saying it is done in a good cause .
26 In those days the washing was done in a good old copper boiling on a Monday and light the fire underneath it and this sort of thing .
27 In practice most buyers are prepared to have their names used for publicity purposes provided that this is done in a controlled manner and with their prior consent .
28 Some months ago I suggested that this could be done in a new version of Question Time .
29 Nagel refers to Adam Smith whom he takes to be advocating , as a matter of reason , the restriction of moral judgment only to that which the agent has done in a narrow sense because to attribute responsibility for that beyond the agent 's control seems irrational and is akin to strict liability .
30 A child 's education may consist largely of the mastery of traditional skills to be done in a traditional way .
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