Example sentences of "done [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was the slimy membrane and some messy stuff that Nails cleared away diligently and threw outside ; he got some fresh straw and by the time he had done that the foal was trying to stand up , with great difficulty .
2 These may seem long periods but the work was so well done that the paintwork was never shabby .
3 He was so unaware of the joke and it was so professionally done that the result was absolutely incredible .
4 It 's only once all these preparations have been done that the family concentrate on decorating their own home .
5 erm I think this is the way it 's done anyway , tt , er , they should have done all the rest of them .
6 done all the bathroom .
7 Well it means , you see , apparently Geoff 's done all the air braking at Calpers it means that Neil can actually some of the time , be here rather
8 we actually ended up with a lot more I P R people and we 'd done all the work and they got most of the money now that 's fine that 's the way life goes sometimes , but I must admit I think that depending on how big an event you want to make it you 're maybe as well to keep it an B A I E event and open it up quietly at the end
9 You know he obviously sees rich peasants as you know a more er unattractive class of peasant , I mean he sees the poor peasants as the real er vanguard of the revolution , the people who have done all the work and erm sacrificed er security at an early stage
10 I have accepted part of it , and I 've amended it to ensure that we can overcome the criticisms er that would have been involved if we 'd left it er as it was , er and above all , and I think this is the most important thing , we 've made sure that it will work , er and that it will meet our objectives of getting competition into the franchises , if we 'd just ended up with one great monolithic British Rail , after all each franchise remember will be coming gradually , they wo n't be doing them all at once , there will be one next year , several the year after , and so on , if British Rail had been able to go around and pick them off , and say , Well we can run this now in the future much better than we 've done it in the past , so we 'll bid , and we 'll bid a low bid , that really would n't have been getting fair and proper competition into the system , so what i what I 've done is ensured , as I 've done all the way through in this bill in accepting amendments , that we make sure we achieve our objectives , and that above all it 's workable , the , as it was it would n't as it was the Paignton amendment would n't have been workable , because there would have been total chaos and confusion
11 How , but you , they 're , they 've done all the shopping
12 I mean they 've done all the shopping and how can I manage without the car ?
13 Now you could say that was perhaps maintenance , but it 's all been cleaned , it 's been repointed , there are new lanterns , they 've done all the paintwork and they made such a beautiful job of it , it 's really almost for the craftsmanship and the care that we gave them a certificate for that as well .
14 ‘ It 's the sort of thing that 's done all the time , in other households . ’
15 Well of course , no , I mean more can be done all the time er clearly there are some quite difficult areas about priority and where people would choose to invest their money , but certainly in the long run AIDS H I V is a crucial issue facing society , drugs misuse or drugs use is an absolutely integral part of that whole problem .
16 No I ca n't clean the floors Saturday , up and I think she 's scrubbing the floor with the brush done all the muscle .
17 Come on , we 've got to all get home , mummy has n't done all the washing yet ,
18 You done , oh yeah you done all the washing up have n't you ?
19 I mean I done all the front here last weekend
20 See if there 's any di cos I mean they 've done all the thing be before , so the thing is as up to the noo , they want to see if there 's any
21 cost I 've done all the selling and not them .
22 Now , they 've done all the paperwork for the
23 Erm I do n't know whether Charles has said anything about who people are , Barley Hall , Charles is the historical consultant , he 's done all the research .
24 You done all the converting ?
25 Of course you w of course you would Of course you would and it may be that what you will have to say is , Well look , erm I gave you the four per cent on the on the precision types and that that really has to stay , but by the time we by the time we 've done all the analysis on the er on the popular metrics , it will work out that it is is is only two per cent .
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