Example sentences of "though not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I interviewed Jane in the Easter term of her final year at B , at a time when she felt thoroughly disillusioned with the course , though not with university , which she had enjoyed .
2 I do so to ensure that the credit for these accounts , which I would suggest give rise to cautious satisfaction though not for over-optimism , should go to my predecessor as Treasurer — QC .
3 The epitome of Nineties value rather than volume has become just that , after having been not terribly good at being the Eighties thrusting stereotype — though not for want of trying .
4 Maxwell came quite late to newspapers , though not for want of trying : in 1968 , for instance , he was a loser in the battle for the News of the World .
5 Dr Geoffrey Wyatt , the paediatrician who was her ‘ partner in crime ’ to those who can not believe they were even remotely right , still works in Middlesbrough , though not on child abuse .
6 In Leach [ 1969 ] , The Times , 13 January , a man had himself crucified ( though not to death ) .
7 Love admits it will be very difficult for the players , who will be taking on opposition coming to the end of their season and in weather which will be completely different to what most of them have been experiencing over the past six months , though not to captain Bruce Russell , Iain Philip and Alastair Storie , who have spent the winter playing overseas .
8 ‘ What a strange demand ! ’ says Lebyadkin with an effrontery beyond the man we have been given , though not of course beyond old Karamazov .
9 Colonel Blimp today is likely to be a Roundhead colonel , in his professed sentiments a Leveller , though not of course in his practices .
10 Socio-economic problems remained largely the same in 1905–14 and 1922 in Kursk guberniia ( though not of course in the Lower Volga area on account of the Famine ) .
11 It conveniently marks the beginning of nineteenth-century poetry , though not of course the end of eighteenth-century readers , who lingered on till after 1832 , so that in the first three decades of the new century a great battle of taste was fought out , largely over Wordsworth 's ‘ simple ’ poetry .
12 So while you might well overhear Eeyore sighing to himself , and know therefore that he is n't trying to mislead anyone , it 's much less likely ( though not of course impossible ) that you 'll overhear Rabbit muttering ‘ There 's honey ’ to himself .
13 Alan Bray and Jeffrey Weeks have given historical support to this view , though not without qualification ; I remarked in Part 1 some further reservations .
14 The Trader costume suggested a certain piratical business acumen , though not without honour , and in the service of a deeper sensuality .
15 Though not without merit , this argument is weaker here than it might be elsewhere , since the UN plan appears designed to punish all war criminals in the former Yugoslavia rather than to impose international law on one party only .
16 The Leningrad historian , R.G. Skrynnikov , has suggested , though not without challenge , that it was in 1582 rather than 1581 , that the first foray or ‘ expedition ’ of cossack conquistadors under the leadership of ataman Yermak Timofeevich scored an unspectacular military victory over the tiny Tatar princedom of Sibir , then ruled by Khan Kuchum , thus laying the foundations for what was to be the irresistible Russian Drang nach Osten .
17 So David did go to work there , though not without protest .
18 Marion is a persistent defaulter in this respect , though not without reason .
19 Generally , the handful of professional club coaches , the men who lead the way in exploiting the laws to suit their teams , welcomed the changes , though not without reservation .
20 It might be ( and indeed I think it would be ) an improvement in our law , if a release or acquittance of the whole debt , on payment of any sum which the creditor might be content to receive by way of accord and satisfaction ( though less than the whole ) , were held to be , generally , binding , though not under seal ; nor should I be unwilling to see equal force given to a prospective agreement , like the present , in writing though not under seal ; but I think it impossible , without refinements which practically alter the sense of the word , to treat such a release or acquittance as supported by any new consideration proceeding from the debtor .
21 It might be ( and indeed I think it would be ) an improvement in our law , if a release or acquittance of the whole debt , on payment of any sum which the creditor might be content to receive by way of accord and satisfaction ( though less than the whole ) , were held to be , generally , binding , though not under seal ; nor should I be unwilling to see equal force given to a prospective agreement , like the present , in writing though not under seal ; but I think it impossible , without refinements which practically alter the sense of the word , to treat such a release or acquittance as supported by any new consideration proceeding from the debtor .
22 [ She ] … will not interpret my sharing of my pain as an assault , she will not turn away or urge me to be strong , or murmur some expression of sympathy or swallow hard because there is , finally , nothing to say to someone who is beyond comfort though not beyond caring .
23 Far more than a ‘ companion ’ to the Hornblower novels , clarifying and extending the historical background and arranging the events of the hero 's life in chronological order instead of in the irregular order imposed on readers by the dates of publication of the books , Parkinson 's book is related in intention , though not in style and tone , to the amiable pamphlets published from time to time summarising the relationships and activities of the fictional inhabitants of Coronation Street .
24 Though not in poetry , whose influence now chiefly came from America and Canada .
25 ‘ The Old Pretender ’ , as he is commonly known , although at this time still only 19 , was a tall , dark figure , said to resemble Charles II in appearance , though not in character , for he was cold , reserved and prematurely pious , carrying candles in religious processions .
26 The Führer was sent to us from God , though not in order to save Germany , but to ruin it .
27 Mark , having become the interpreter of Peter , wrote down accurately , though not in order , all that he remembered of the things said and done by the Lord …
28 In debate with Trypho , Justin exploited this principle : because the almighty Father is transcendent , the God who appeared to Moses at the burning bush can not have been the Father but his Word and Reason ( Logos ) who is therefore ‘ other than the Father in number though not in will ’ .
29 Though not in favour of DJs wittering on about their birthdays he does n't he was no doubt grateful for these .
30 As long as at least 6,000 valid ostraka were handed in , the man who gained most votes was forced to leave Attica for 10 years , though not in dishonour ( he was still allowed , for example , to draw income from his properties , and he returned a free citizen when his time was up ) .
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