Example sentences of "seen as [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , from 1934 claims for poetry 's transcendence of science begin to find their way into the review sections ( for example , science is seen as limited to " the analytic faculty " , while poetry involves the " instinctive apprehension of the whole " ) .
2 The claim that the complex whole of society should be seen as consisting of practices is an attempt to get away from the idea that a social theory can be grounded upon a concept which is ‘ simple ’ and ‘ given ’ .
3 If individuals in the society ( except for those at the very top and the very bottom of the social ladder ) are socially mobile in each direction to some extent , then the " continuum " can be seen as consisting of a collection of individuals whose linguistic competences in intermediate varieties ( or " lects " ) overlap to form an unbroken chain linking the archetypal Creole ( or " basilect " ) with the Standard ( or " acrolect " ) .
4 The outer layer of the Earth was seen as consisting of a rigid lithosphere , composed of several ‘ plates ’ , which moved over the underlying more mobile asthenosphere .
5 The way labour is organized — the division of labour — is itself seen as depending upon the wage levels , the availability of different skills and the extent of unionization .
6 Economies of scale are seen as operating at plant level and it is therefore argued that the growth of the multi-plant enterprise reflects narrowly financial considerations rather than any ‘ progressive development of the productive forces ’ .
7 By analogy , Riley 's paintings could be seen as operating within similar parameters : the coincidence of colour with a certain geometrical ordering re-enacts the function of myth .
8 At one extreme underthrusting is seen as proceeding for up to 1500 km at the base of the continental crust through the peeling off of the lower part of the lithosphere of the Eurasian Plate ( Fig. 3.22(B) ) .
9 Problems which may arise in any family are those which may be seen as related to the Oedipal situation — the sexual attachment which arises between parent and child and which is not always worked through adequately .
10 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
11 He was still seen as tied to the ranks of the bourgeoisie by an umbilical cord that he had failed to sever .
12 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
13 Retarded development , disturbed patterns of behaviour , inability to form relationships or to be self-sufficient have been seen as resulting from disease or physiological abnormality .
14 As we have seen , one of the main intentions of interactionism was to get away from the conservative , causal-corrective stance that was seen as resulting from the determinism and absolutism of positivist criminology .
15 Second , that ‘ splits ’ within the psyche should be seen as resulting from the interference of patriarchal or male-dominated socialisation or conditioning .
16 The argument of this paper , therefore , is that language learning should be seen as resulting from an interaction between an organism pre-adapted to the learning task and an environment which , to varying degrees , facilitates that task by providing the evidence that the organism requires .
17 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
18 Its presence can perhaps most easily be seen as resulting from more ( or fewer ) demanders than average being located in the th market .
19 He argues that there is no single causal explanation for Britain 's decline ; rather , it has to be seen as resulting from a convergence of pluralist stagnation , a decline of class , and a revolt against authority .
20 Differentiation refers to the positivist assumption that there is something ( preferably measurably ) different about criminals ; they may be seen as differing from non-criminals in terms of their biological or psychological make-up , or in terms of their values , again according to the academic origins of the criminologist concerned .
21 At one time both were seen as sustaining of democracy in Britain .
22 If the researcher is seen as connected with the authority structures of the institution , will this not have some effect on the behaviour of those being observed ?
23 Nevertheless it insists that legal practice as a whole can be seen as organized around important legal conventions and this claim requires showing that the behaviour of judges generally , even those who are not conventionalists , converges sufficiently to allow us to find convention in that convergence .
24 Their importance in the politics of that country has led political scientists to propound a modification of the theory of representative government in which the weakness of the individual voter , discussed on pages 54–57 , is seen as compensated by his or her membership of interest groups .
25 This impression of the object of have being represented as completely submissive to the will of the person referred to by the subject explains moreover the use of the bare infinitive with this verb : this exercise of control by the causer over the causee can be seen as persisting throughout the realization of the infinitive event .
26 , The UNEP report is also seen as calling into question the US policy on global warming .
27 There is , therefore , before any understanding of historic agents and movements , a certain aporia in all social ensembles : from afar they may appear whole , but close to , they can be seen as riddled with holes .
28 Ozawa , 50 , who was widely seen as seen as the real leader of the new group , firmly committed himself to comprehensive political reform .
29 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
30 At that time local authorities could be seen as acting in the interests of the majority — the phrase from the last paragraph of the 1978 extract from the Library Association record above ( omitted from the 1989 policy statement ) ‘ either on grounds of … a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality' suggests so .
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