Example sentences of "seen at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each time she finished a film , she would tell Mum the title and once it reached the cinema , Mrs Pilling was to be seen at every performance .
2 Art and sights straight out of the history books are to be seen at every turn , yet now these are modern cities too , alive with their own 20th century energy and enthusiasm .
3 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
4 The consequent problems are seen at every stage of subsequent development as the parents struggle to learn signing because their children were not ‘ good enough ’ to progress normally , and as the children have to come to terms not only with deafness but with the community of deaf people which has been shunned by their families .
5 Jane , because she was a mistress , rarely had an opportunity to attend the more elegant events of society , and she was not going to miss this chance of being seen at a duchess 's ball .
6 The world 's clearest sea water has been recorded in the Weddell Sea in early spring , clear enough for a Secchi disc to be seen at a depth of 79 m ( Gieskes et al . ,
7 Other than a girl he had seen at a spinning-wheel and singing a song in the Gaelic at Nairn , this was Johnson 's first true contact with the Scots of the west .
8 The Sussex coast was best seen at a distance , though , for proximity to the sea causes human beings to create great ugliness .
9 The road tops a hill and commences a long descent to a built-up area that , even when seen at a distance , is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journey .
10 Drake very distinctive , being the only waterfowl to appear white in front and black behind when seen at a distance .
11 The man was in the act of turning a page , and , in so doing , he momentarily exposed its front cover , which Harry had , till now , only seen at a distance .
12 For Merrill the marriage service was a kaleidoscope of images seen at a distance because of her acute consciousness of Luke 's presence .
13 Realistic the cutout seen at a distance
14 She was later seen at a hamburger stand in the car park behind the Guest House where she met her death .
15 Shortly afterwards , she was seen at a hamburger stand in the car park behind the Guest House where she met her death .
16 The third-floor blaze in Brighton , East Sussex , started just after 2am when flames were seen at a window .
17 Police say the raider 's van and the antique dealer 's car were both seen at a service station near Manchester last night , so the crime could have been planned .
18 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
19 Well something else I 've seen at a car boot .
20 That is , the support of the finite verb is seen at a point in time from which the realization of the infinitive event by the person of the infinitive is viewed as a subsequent potential .
21 In an attempt to out-Flynn Errol Flynn , he was seen at a party drunkenly trying to make love to one young girl after another .
22 Products were shown individually and in room settings with the complete new collection showcased on the right-hand pages so that all the designs and colours could be seen at a glance .
23 The Ryder Cup match at The Belfry featured the biggest tented village ever seen at a sporting event in the British Isles .
24 Such information implies a distance of 16 thousand million light years and that the galaxy is seen at a time 83% of the way back to the Big Bang .
25 He was established as a lecturer in natural philosophy at Edinburgh University for many years , but it was not until the age of fifty-eight that his first publication is recorded , when his work on the structure of crystals culminated in his report ‘ on a method of so far increasing the divergence of the two rays in a calcareous spar that only one image may be seen at a time ’ ( Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal , vol. vi , 1829 ) .
26 Seen at the level of individual choices there is perhaps nothing remarkable about this shift from fringe to mainstream .
27 This conflict is clearly to be seen at the level of organized local politics ( chapter 1 ) , although the particular interests of the farming and landowning community add complexity to this .
28 They extend her ‘ Nursery Rhymes ’ , seen at the gallery in 1989 , and include a large and ambitious series , recently completed in Portugal , of ‘ The Ferry Girl ’ , a tale of the artist 's own invention .
29 In Dering Street , Grob gives a first exhibition to Danny Moynihan ( 12 May–20 June ) , who was seen at the gallery in a mixed exhibition two years ago .
30 In his first season , McKinnon will present two plays which were first seen at the Traverse Theatre , Edinburgh .
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