Example sentences of "seen to [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some observers suggested that the timing of the announcements reflected the government 's desire to be seen to be spending money on the countryside in the run-up to the April general election .
2 Thus , local authority departments have to be seen to be spending money wisely as they are more publicly accountable .
3 Whilst both the block and the hole are seen to be elements of the " component " , they must maintain a specified relationship in order that the functionality of the component is maintained , ie the domain of the hole lies within the domain of block according to the previously declared rules .
4 Hans Locher , former professor of art history at Groningen University and chief curator at the Gemeentemuseum since 1987 is seen to be Fuchs 's most likely successor there .
5 Throughout the 1960s there was increasing analysis of and comment on what was seen to be Britain 's flagging economic performance .
6 In Germany ( where population is not the problem ) there are seen to be regulations and restrictions that have the effect of closing the secondary school market to UK product .
7 Furthermore , if the problem is seen to be women taking men 's jobs , making them unemployed , the problem is one of macroeconomic policy , and is not to be solved by effectively concentrating it in a disguised fashion among non-working wives .
8 Boccara/Boucherit of France had the next fastest time but they were seen to be wash hanging , not for the first time at this level , and a protest was upheld , posing the question why the umpires Riccardo Guala and Glyde Brytt had given white flags .
9 Some women , on the other hand , freed by the menopause from fears of unwanted childbirth , interruption of sexual life by menstrual periods and what they have seen to be slavery to the body in this respect , have always found themselves to be sexually released by the climacteric and have enjoyed sex more afterwards .
10 Simple practice without analysis may be seen to be part of the craft tradition ; crafts people and their wares not being subject to literary criticism in the way that arts people are and historically have been .
11 Every problem or alien thing can by a creative expansion of the mind be seen to be part of a larger whole within the mind .
12 There is a tendency to look upon literature , particularly capital L ‘ Literature ’ , as something separate from life , but once literature is thought of in terms of story-telling and story-making , then it is seen to be part of a common and seemingly-essential human activity .
13 To many Shetlanders this is often seen to be part of a more general shortcoming on behalf of incomers — their over-riding desire to maintain the status quo in local communities as soon as they are established there .
14 The idea that science should be expressed in someone else 's language , the compulsory ‘ the test-tube was placed over the bunsen burner ’ , may disadvantage many pupils but especially girls if that other language is seen to be part of the world of men .
15 Older people will be seen to be contributors to the prosperity of others , rather than a drain on national resources , as they are now often , wrongly , depicted .
16 Maybe our weakness is our strength , thought Cameron — we are seen to be democrats , nothing like the Prince 's bands of warriors .
17 The engineering files are thus seen to be data stores containing both man-readable and machine-readable instructions for the manufacture of the specified articles .
18 In this way , the more specific question would be related to a more comprehensive framework of conceptual evaluation , and particular techniques seen to be realizations of more general principles of teaching .
19 As the light grows , they are seen to be ROS and GUIL , and to be resting quite comfortably .
20 The earliest evidence of modification was seen to be disarticulation of the skull bones and loss of teeth from the jaws ( particularly of unrooted microtine teeth ) .
21 Are seen to be exemplars , as a source of ideas and inspiration .
22 The fate of seven ‘ Amcits ’ , a Frenchman and two ‘ Brits ’ was not compelling enough to be seen to be driving policy ; something much more portentous was needed .
23 To be precise , in the original class of solutions given by Yurtsever ( 1988 a ) , V is taken in the form ( 10.77 ) which can be seen to be generalizations of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez solution described in Section 10.5 .
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