Example sentences of "seen [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
2 Second , we have seen off the threat of a world trade war which would have destroyed any hope of economic recovery .
3 For once the lawyer had concluded his business , having called upon both his own groom and Mrs Elswick to witness the document he had drawn up , and had been seen off the premises , Theda had gone back upstairs to find her employer in a state of near-collapse .
4 Such changes can be seen off the Kent coast with the cementing of the Isle of Thanet to the mainland and the silting up of the Wantsum Channel in post-Roman times .
5 More recently the largest concentrations noted there were about 200 on 4 December 1967 , and 30 December 1968 , and concentrations of up to 150 have been seen off the coast between Brighton and Rottingdean .
6 A huge sea-monster , variously described as a serpent or squid , said to have been seen off the coast of Norway and on the North American coast .
7 Johnny Argie would n't have seen off the task force so bloody buggering easy if the old ‘ evenin' all ’ had been on the South Atlantic beat .
8 ‘ If you do find the murderer , Robert , do n't stop him in his tracks until he has seen off the Colonel . ’
9 And they are getting hands-on experience of a giant octopus , molluscs and butterflies with the life-like models made and collected by naturalist Ian Coggin , left , seen during a training session with primary teachers at Whinny Banks junior school , Middlesbrough .
10 Patients were accepted for endoscopic injection if an active bleeder ( spurter or oozer ) was seen during an emergency endoscopic examination after resuscitation .
11 A relative tachycardia was seen during the procedure in many patients , and seemed to be a normal physiological response to the gastroscopy .
12 The power of this engine can be seen during the decades following World War Two , when , despite a bipartisan political approach aimed at mitigation , class differences on many fronts remained as wide as ever .
13 Undoubtedly many of the pupil self-assessment schemes seen during the survey would prove very useful as a basis for gathering information for departmental profiles , and could therefore be extremely helpful in the development of records of personal achievement , which are due to be introduced in all schools in the early 1990s .
14 He indicated to the 38-year-old cashier he had a gun , but no weapon was seen during the incident .
15 It 's not just that he has withdrawn from the business of running a diocese , or that he walks abroad a great deal at night but is scarcely seen during the day , or that he often wo n't accept phone calls .
16 Yet the facade of high fashion was highly developed by the time of his death ; there were over three miles of carriage road along the cliff top and a promenade at the foot for the elegant and aspiring to see and be seen during the height of Brighton 's mild winter and spring seasons .
17 It was Cam Robbie , whom I had last seen during the war twenty-five years earlier , when he was drummer of a rather tatty three-piece outfit in a night-club in George Street .
18 On transferring his official residence from Burgos to Madrid , in October , Franco " toured the Sierra de Guadarrama , looking for a place he had already seen during the war " in which he planned to locate his war memorial .
19 One of the more sinister involves the Segale-Gale puppet , which is occasionally still seen during the funeral rites of Batak chieftains in north Sumatra .
20 Cytomegalovirus was associated with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in only two of the present patients in whom cryptosporidiosis was not also implicated and in less than a third overall ; these represent less than 10% of all cases of cytomegalovirus enteritis seen during the study period .
21 Unlike the trams , they are only seen during the summer season .
22 In 1771 he preached also at the flourishing society of Derryanville and at Kilmoriarty there was the largest congregation he had seen during the week .
23 Have you seen about the bit
24 Two men in army clothes — possibly my two — could be seen about the camp from time to time , and Balfour thought that there might also be a third .
25 Two more ghosts , two women — also in black — are said to have been seen about the village in days gone by .
26 He looked like a man she had seen about the village who drove a green truck , but the name she associated in her mind with the monk-robed man was that of an almost universally adored God .
27 Um , he says , and goes on to explain that in Norway a small , useless knife sometimes seen about the person of hunters and campers who have little idea is known as a ‘ mouse castrator ’ .
28 The five-year-old is un- beaten in six races over hurdles , including one over the course , and his run today can only be seen as a dress rehearsal for the Champion Hurdle next year .
29 ‘ The belugas ’ plight must be seen as a warning that marine life in general is threatened .
30 Environmental health officer Steve Beamson said : ‘ The decision should be seen as a warning that bedsit accommodation should be kept in reasonable condition .
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