Example sentences of "seen as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The five-year-old is un- beaten in six races over hurdles , including one over the course , and his run today can only be seen as a dress rehearsal for the Champion Hurdle next year .
2 ‘ The belugas ’ plight must be seen as a warning that marine life in general is threatened .
3 Environmental health officer Steve Beamson said : ‘ The decision should be seen as a warning that bedsit accommodation should be kept in reasonable condition .
4 Twice thwarted Ford then turned its attention to the loss making , state-owned , Alfa Romeo company of Italy , in what was seen as a continuation of its battle with Fiat , which was also interested in acquiring Alfa Romeo .
5 The study can be seen as a continuation of the work of the SSRC North Sea oil panel but with a more urban focus and making use of more recently available information .
6 However , there is another important perspective from which population growth can be seen as a precondition in some circumstances for economic growth and , possibly , economic transformation .
7 From their own number they chose Bel Shanaar , Prince of Tiranoc , an Elf who had distinguished himself in the war and yet was seen as a voice of peace and reason .
8 Chris said one of the biggest failings was that parents did not take part in the education of the children , this is where it fell down , that , once the education was seen as a government thing that
9 Not only does this mean that science is handled by a senior member of the Canadian cabinet — a tax lawyer who once said that the last thing that Canada needs is more tax lawyers — but also it means that science and technology are seen as a part of the process of economic development .
10 I did n't deliberately set out to become an insomniac , but such an attitude fits into the general anorexic pattern , and should be seen as a part of it .
11 The kanban system , which is used to co-ordinate work between different work teams , has been seen as a part of this empowerment .
12 The chapter/section idea(s) : these will be much more concrete , are usually expressed in the first and/or last paragraphs and should be seen as a part of the wider themes/theses of the book .
13 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
14 He is the first of the so-called Marcos cronies to have stood up to the Presidential Commission on Good Government , and as a result is seen as a man of action .
15 He had the advantage of being seen as a man of peace , whereas Reagan made many voters nervous .
16 The Christian emperor and king was seen as a man born or elected to duties and obligations towards God and his subjects , as well as a man with rights and privileges .
17 Anyway , I 'm older and am seen as a man of the world . ’
18 For these reasons , Coffin is perhaps better seen as a case in which the Divisional Court , contrary to the evidence , concluded that the situation was such that a breach of the peace was likely , and that the officers were seeking to prevent that at the time when the assault took place .
19 Thus , the combination of the anti-Zionist conspiracy theory with pro-Palestinian rhetoric and an absence of crude , anti-black rhetoric may be seen as a tactic designed to qualify for Libyan funds .
20 Another Italian deal sounding alarm bells is one announced over the weekend under which Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale SpA , IRI , will lend some 42 pct of Banca Commerciale Italiana SpA to telecommunications holding company STET SpA for three years and STET will pay IRI $212m for the dividend flow from 440m BCI ordinary shares — by juggling the dividend flow , tax credits on the payments and amortisation , analysts reckoned STET stood to gain to the tune of $300m and IRI would in return get a much needed cash injection , but the move is seen as a panic measure by IRI .
21 The whole complex of events in the Persian wars from the fall of Sardis to the retreat of Xerxes was seen as a unity and formed what Robert Drews has called ‘ one Great Event of awesome proportions ’ .
22 In so far as the ‘ southern enlargement ’ extended the European ideal , created a larger market for goods , and protected democracy it could be seen as a success .
23 That 's why the new podiatry surgery centre at Burghill near Hereford is seen as a success ; it 'll handle around a thousand patients a year , patients who could otherwise spend years on the waiting list .
24 But this should not be seen as a criticism ; the role and scope of audit is somewhat narrowly defined in law , and any change is almost bound to have legal ramifications .
25 Certainly these results should in no way be seen as a criticism of their teaching .
26 He portrays Madeline and Mrs. Proudie as not very ‘ nice ’ — one too fond of using her femininity and the other hardly seeming to recognise it — which could be seen as a criticism of any woman who dared to question her accepted niche in society .
27 The same cognitive mechanism responsible for the deleterious effects of psychotic disorder can therefore also be seen as a gateway through which the raw material of creativity , originating below immediate awareness , is passed for elaboration by the conscious mind .
28 Also , once this perspective is established , any assurance from the other side of real interest in disarmament will naturally be seen as a trick , or at best as a propaganda move .
29 I detest José Mario Armero , the leading ‘ Guernica ’ campaigner , who admits that the installation in the Casón ‘ was seen as a trick , as they had originally meant to use one of the rooms in the main building ’ .
30 Just to finish up colleagues this should not be seen as a willingness for local authority workers to give up their jobs , but it needs to be sorted so that our brothers and sisters who are forced into redundancy receive fair recompense for their loss .
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