Example sentences of "fact [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They really only showed the official part of today 's procession and cut it pretty speedily , in fact as the more alarmist banners started to come into view .
2 In the course of her research into the history of the house , she discovered that the male Pygling line had in fact died out , and that the present bearer of the hallowed name — the pathetic husband of the overbearing Mrs Pygling — came in fact through the female line and had adopted the name of Pygling .
3 The ‘ constant routine ’ experiment also tells us one other important fact about the two causes of our rhythms ; that normally they are similarly timed .
4 Your statement of purpose was excellent , there was a good explanation erm the fact about the existing policies and what you might be able to achieve in the future , very very good .
5 But mere geographical distribution can not sufficiently bring out what was increasingly the dominant fact about the academic life of our period , namely the hegemony of the Germans , backed as it was by the numerous universities using their language ( which included those in most of Switzerland , most of the Habsburg Empire and the Baltic regions of Russia ) , and by the powerful attraction exercised by German culture in Scandinavia , eastern and south-eastern Europe .
6 But the most obvious fact about the social world is that what happens in it has meaning for the inhabitants .
7 It accounts in fact for the new facial type which begins to make its appearance in his work during this year , l and which reached its most precise definition in the work executed by Picasso on his return from Gosol ( a village in the province of Lerida in Spain , where he spent the early part of the summer of 1906 ) , notably in the Portrait of Gertrude Stein .
8 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
9 Erm but the reality is that erm we would therefore need our budget to , in fact for the first half of this year , to have , well for the whole year , to have reflected the late delivery of the systems which would 've , if we 'd had that in the budget and we 'd been projecting the whole budget at say two point six , our budget figure would 've been somewhere in the region of another eighty to ninety thousand higher than it currently is for this first quarter .
10 May LJ accepts that no such list can be exhaustive and stressed that it was a matter of fact for the Industrial Tribunal to decide .
11 Although he would have denied it , the landscape had gripped him : as an image and now as an emphatic fact of the real world , presenting him finally with a place to rest in .
12 By his time , as his biographies bear witness , the primary fact of the scholarly life had come to be the learned hierarchy and the most important data about a scholar to be that concerning his progress in the hierarchy .
13 The fact of Darwinian evolution and the fact of the irrefutable need of mankind for a ‘ god ’ are capable of complete harmonisation within the tenets of the Alternative Religion .
14 This , I felt , was long overdue — there had been a tendency to regard their activity as secondary to that of the operational investigators while their technical contribution was in fact of the highest importance .
15 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
16 In fact of the 76 district planning authorities responding to the survey referred to earlier only 10 did so , the following being examples of where odour emission was so regarded , i.e. where a proposed residential development would have :
17 The fact of the recent move plus my mind 's having been engaged elsewhere might , I hoped , explain this otherwise crass stupidity .
18 Behind all this , however , was the fact of the strong Christian Democrat presence in all six governments throughout the crucial 1950–52 period .
19 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
20 one should not confuse … two things : the fragmentation of social labour , which arises from the fact of the social division of labour on the one hand , and the fragmentation of social labour , which negates this very division of labour on the other hand … ‘ enterprises ’ … stand in various relationships to each other : either they are bound to each other by buying and selling ( heterogeneous enterprises ) , or they are in competition with each other ( homogeneous enterprises ) .
21 However , what is of paramount importance and cause for hope , is the fact of the very existence of this human need for a ‘ god ’ to worship .
22 Whatever you think of pornography and censorship , the fact of the double standard is a tribute to the solidarity of the male sex .
23 The present situation , apart from the fact of the American invasion , is as much a mystery to me as to you . ’
24 This was the most fundamental fact about the movies in Britain and America and it was to remain the most important fact throughout the great years of the cinema 's hegemony .
25 Lord 's silence over Lamb has been broken only by the swish , frantic swish of sweeping every inconvenient fact under the Long Room carpet , now piled so high that Chris Bonnington might not scale it !
26 His court of justice , while technically independent and free to operate on traditional lines , was in fact under the close supervision of the Resident , who exercised powers in respect of such courts as to ‘ enable him ’ , in Lugard 's words , ‘ to entirely control their actions , and , in fact , to use them as auxiliary courts ’ .
27 Erm you 've got this , this business of threatening to attack the Serbian guns erm involves of course the decisions of individual governments whether or not they 're prepared to allow their forces to be involved , in the case of the British whether you 're going to allow your forces to get involved in it or not , but in international terms it involves both NATO , which has now passed a resolution saying unless certain conditions are met by a certain time , then there will be bombing of the Serbian positions but the people on the ground , whether they originally came from France or the Ukraine or from Britain , are in fact under the blue beret of the United Nations and the United Nations and NATO are not altogether , they 're not precisely together on this issue .
28 But that was a fact under the sectional council number three , the one that I was represented by , they seemed to be poor .
29 In fact before the first year of this trial was completed , some 80 per cent of decision packages were approved almost automatically and resources were directed at the remaining 20 per cent of packages .
30 Because of the preponderance of older people among the disabled and the cost implications of recognising this fact within the social security system , policy makers have consistently tried to deny the existence of disability among this group , arguing that it is a ‘ normal ’ part of the ageing process .
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