Example sentences of "men [Wh pn] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 The tragic musical story of a group of viciously exploited young men who rode the back of the drug-frenzied rock-shag monster for two full years to emerge at the end bruised and bloody and battered but changed — changed from grubby little knobsessed small-town caterpillars into beautiful , brilliantly SPIRITUAL butterflies .
2 Try as the leadership might to erase what happened , nothing can be done to change the one fact on which the future of China turns : the men who ordered the assault on Tiananmen Square will surely die long before the youth they ordered to be killed .
3 Clwyd 's director of social services John Jeavons — one of the men who ordered the probe — was not available for comment yesterday .
4 The men who led the Cracow revolutionary movement ( the Polish insurrection of 1830 ) were deeply convinced that only a democratic Poland could be independent , and a democratic Poland was impossible without the abolition of feudal rights , without the agrarian movement which would transform the tied peasants into free proprietors .
5 Men Who Ran The Trams — The Managers
6 However , the whole lot of them were being manipulated by the men who ran the music business …
7 Because they had no way of driving out of office the men who ran the executive in their colonies , the colonial assemblies could not assert themselves in the same way as the Westminster Parliament , and had to fall back on using the seventeenth-century approach of saying that there should be redress of grievance before taxes were voted to run the government .
8 The elder of the two men who ran the establishment shook muesli on to her plate .
9 And have you seen the papers ? ’ asked the younger of the two men who ran the boarding house .
10 These were the men who formed the main links between the papal curia and the Church at large and who were charged with the maintenance of orthodoxy in their dioceses .
11 In the fourth century , Athenian democracy was curtailed in ways harder to resist than a Hyperbolus , who could simply be got rid of : the institutionalized power of the men who administered the various state funds grew in the course of the fourth century , and as such people got above themselves Athens became a less democratic place than it had been in the fifth century .
12 In 1263–4 he was one of four men who administered the county of Yorkshire in opposition to its royalist sheriff .
13 There are hundreds of cases of men who took the most drastic and precarious actions to rid themselves of , what is after all , a minor irritant .
14 Even after stripping out the jingoism that tends to impose itself on British attitudes towards the game , the fact remains that it was a host of late-Victorian engineers , merchants and military men who took the rudiments of football abroad with them , almost as missionaries .
15 While Yannick Noah and his players rightly basked in the glory of the remarkable victory for a few days , one of the men who masterminded the victory was already making plans to build upon the fantastic achievements of 1991 .
16 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
17 Together they acted as recruiters responsible for bringing together the large numbers of men who constituted the armies of the day .
18 Men who had stayed loyal to Stephen throughout his misfortunes , and , on the other side , men who followed the Empress Matilda unreservedly .
19 During the century , however , there appeared another class of seamen , men who manned the collier brigs which carried coal from the north-east coast to the smoking chimneys of " the great Wen " of London .
20 Since the busy fencings and ditchings of the previous thirty years , the men who farmed the best land had flourished all the more ; they could afford the rents for the greater acreage under the plough .
21 However , not long after , Grisewood resigned and Mrs Whitehouse later said that he was , to her mind , ‘ too sincere and too gentle a Christian to be at ease amongst the demolition men who frequented the BBC at the time ’ .
22 To find an English ancestor it was necessary to go a long way back in Richard 's genealogy — to one of his great-grandmothers , Edith , the wife of King Henry I. This English link , slight as it was , was none the less well known to the men who frequented the princely courts of Europe , for in their world family connection was all-important .
23 Aeons ago , the waters must have taken a different path and the men who discovered the cave had chipped away the stalagmites to make a passage into the gallery beyond , the gallery where Melissa and Fernand now stood .
24 This curious mingling of piety , enthusiasm and sadistic cruelty is recorded time and again in the vernacular literature of the age — sometimes naively , sometimes satirically , for there were evidently plenty of reflective men who saw the paradox , and pondered on it .
25 Pamphlets written by men who opposed the vote for women also stressed that sexual difference was fundamental to their argument .
26 They settled principally in the towns of East Sussex , particularly Rye and Lewes , where their new gospels found a welcome reception among men who misinterpreted the speed with which Henry VIII was prepared to change the church .
27 They were true , those rumours about men who relished the thrill of the chase , tossed their quarry aside once it was over .
28 Michael Maconochie traces the ten most expensive paintings ever , and the men who wrote the cheques
29 He took him to all the different workshops de Chavigny maintained in different parts of Paris : he let him watch these highly skilled men at work , the specialists in metalwork , the specialists in inlay work and enamels , the gem-cutters , the gem-setters , the team of men who made the mechanisms for clocks and watches .
30 Tony does n't expect his navvy to turn many heads , but if it makes just one or two commuters appreciate the courage and dedication of the men who made the Chiltern Line , the effort was worth it .
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