Example sentences of "took him to the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
2 His service in the Royal Artillery in the Second World War took him to the Middle East , and there he was able to develop his interest in military architecture through the study of the citadel at Damascus , and the siege of the crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers .
3 His first posting in 1915 took him to the Toba Batak country in Northern Sumatra in time to witness the Muslim Acehnese rising against their Christian rulers ; an event which made him appreciate the approaching crisis of Islam as a focus for nationalism , and impressed upon him the urgent need for Muslim-Christian accommodation .
4 They took him to the cider ward of the local hospital and a week later he was dead .
5 Pearce pauses for reflection when asked to define the qualities which took him to the top with such apparent ease .
6 She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds , took them to the first slopes of the mountain , rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl , and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank .
7 She took him to the Science Museum and gave him an encyclopaedia , which explained how the internal combustion engine worked — ‘ I was intrigued immensely ’ .
8 He received Mark in the central lobby and took him to the Members ' tea room for a chat over a pot of tea .
9 So much of his daily duty took him to the general neighbourhood of these places it was n't easy , but mercifully no bumping into the angry Charity occurred .
10 His next posting , in 1975 , took him to the Ministry of Defence , where he remained until his retirement in 1988 .
11 His final campaign photo-opportunity took him to the North-West and the Accrington Brick and Tile Company .
12 These journeys took him to the furthest extent of the colonies , from Lake Ontario to Virginia and into the Carolinas and Florida .
13 Sure enough , someone met him and took him to the adjutant of No .
14 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
15 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
16 Took him to the station and routine happened — they had to call the bridewell surgeon and the drunk could call his own doctor , fixing bail and so on .
17 It was a wet morning so they just took him to the corner and ran him to the corner of Richmond Row in his bare feet — brought him back — ‘ Put your shoes on ! ’
18 He had made contact with various people involved in the field , including myself , and arranged to meet veteran dowser Bill Lewis , who took him to the 12ft ( 4m ) high Llangynidr standing stone near Crickhowell .
19 I took him to the ‘ Tally 's ’ ( ice-cream shop ) at the corner of our street and Bedford Street — and bought him a large cone .
20 She took him to the far aisle and showed him the salt tablets .
21 In the spring he took him to the house in Normandy .
22 With military-style precision , one gunman stayed to guard the man 's family , while the other took him to the Banque de France where at least four others were waiting .
23 One gunman stayed to guard the man 's family , while the other took him to the Banque de France in Toulon , France , where four others were waiting .
24 I took him to the Savoy Hotel .
25 Then he received an offer to appear in Return from the River Kwai , which took him to the steaming jungles of the Philippines .
26 ‘ We took him to the vet , who diagnosed cancer .
27 A key part of the prince 's trip took him to the logistics base Camp Redoubt , set up on a tortuous mountain pass between Vitez in central Bosnia and Tomislavgrad near the Croatian border .
28 His first trip , in 1952 , took him to the Korean battlefront .
29 Sir Edmund Hillary has spent much of his life , and a great deal of the determination that took him to the top of Everest , raising funds to help the Sherpa People of the Nepalese Himalaya .
30 Since the Trust was founded Hillary has spent much of his life touring around the world raising money , always with the same enthusiasm that once took him to the top of Everest .
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