Example sentences of "took a new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE POUND took a new battering yesterday .
2 Haverford took a new sheet of paper and continued to compose , undeterred .
3 LENNOX LEWIS last night lined up a world title fight with Norwich-based Herbie Hide as the cat-and-mouse game over the heavyweight championship took a new twist .
4 The long-running saga took a new twist this week in Spain .
5 The White Hart Lane power battle took a new twist when Venables ' associate Edward Ashby was sacked from his consultant post , a move which appears to weaken Venables position still further as he fights chairman Alan Sugar to retain his £200,000 a year job .
6 The fares war took a new twist last week when Jersey European , one of the most aggressive of the UK 's small regional airlines , announced the introduction of free rail tickets from Gatwick to Victoria station for passengers flying from Belfast City Airport .
7 And they now took a new name — the Duke and Duchess of Windsor .
8 Critics were even more profoundly unnerved when Lean took a new approach to the Brief Encounter story with The Passionate Friends ( 1948 ) , where the husband is a much more potent , interesting and violent character than the would-be lover , again played by Trevor Howard .
9 A further round of the EC negotiations held in London on July 27 , co-ordinated by EC chief negotiator José Cutileiro , took a new approach in concentrating on a constitutional settlement before a ceasefire .
10 It took a new generation of drama advisers to attempt to bring it back again .
11 BAFTAGATE , the television 's industry 's most gripping drama , took a new turn yesterday when the four Bafta judges who complained about last month 's award of a prize to ITV 's Prime Suspect , demanded that Bafta produce the ballot slips .
12 THE INDIE debate took a new turn last week , with the news that MUTE RECORDS may lead a boycott of the planned ‘ alternative ’ chart along with several other prominent independently distributed labels .
13 His thoughts took a new turn .
14 Then the act took a new turn .
15 On Jan. 30 the violence took a new turn with a report of a direct confrontation between Albanians and Serbs in the village of Kosovska Vitina .
16 The inter-ethnic conflict in the autonomous oblast ( region ) of South Ossetia took a new turn on Feb. 1 with the suspension of electricity and water supplies into the region from Georgia proper .
17 The increasingly bitter dispute over the role of the media [ for June Constitutional Court ruling see pp. 38971-72 ] took a new turn on Dec. 31 when the opposition parties in the National Assembly joined forces to deprive the government of the two-thirds majority it needed for the passage of a new media bill .
18 The date of this burial , around 1380 BC , may be very significant , for it was then that the Labyrinth was virtually abandoned and the development of Minoan culture took a new direction .
19 In 792 he took a new wife , Aelfflaed ( ASC D , s.a. 792 ) , daughter of Offa , king of the Mercians , marrying her at Catterick where his own parents had been married .
20 Working-class activity took a new form at the end of the 1880s .
21 A year later , the protest took a new form : the ‘ dirty protest ’ involved prisoners refusing to exercise or use toilet facilities .
22 The story of Karen and her brown envelope began in 1972 when she took a new job at a nuclear factory in Oklahoma .
23 JTR was not around to see the beginnings of political comment in Scottish art ; his life took a new path far removed from the galleries and drawing rooms of artistic Edinburgh .
24 When Anna May Reese took a new lover her estranged husband was seized with murderous jealousy .
25 Hygiene took a new acquisition under its wing at the beginning of August .
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