Example sentences of "took [art] great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her charms increased every day , not only in my eye but in the eyes of all who beheld her , for my mother took the greatest delight in her waiting maid .
2 She preferred it to preparing food , and took the greatest care to see that each piece of cutlery was exactly an inch from the edge of the snow-white damask cloth .
3 After a heavy assault , he took the great city of Toledo which became his chief fortress on the eastern frontier , extending his kingdom still further into Moorish territory .
4 This time the Smiths took a greater part in designing an intervention and deciding what they were to do .
5 As disc records took a greater hold of the market , some cylinder companies turned to discs ; but many of them eschewed paper labels .
6 As one would expect , incomers took a greater interest in discussing class — class is supposed to go a long way in explaining the membership of given social networks , and in the scope of such networks .
7 He took a greater interest in the phenomenon of bureaucracy than previous Marxists and wrote extensively about the ‘ betrayal ’ of the Revolution by self-seeking bureaucrats who had destroyed the proletarian and revolutionary nature of the Bolshevik Party .
8 The barge took a great roll , and Maurice could hear the hanger with his good suit in it , waiting for the job which never came , sliding from one end of its rail to the other .
9 She took a great fancy to me , used to buy me presents .
10 ( Bill ) Brakspear , Dr. Alan Hartley , Micky Watson and Jim Daw — all took a great pride and interest in this section , feeling honoured to be involved .
11 The horseman took a great pride in his horses , as we have seen ; and when he turned out on the highway he was careful to see they were braided up , the brasses highly polished , and the bounces — the ‘ lovely coloured worsted ’ , as one horseman called them — properly displayed .
12 Bill took a great pride in his garden .
13 There I was to have a long conversation with young Middleton , to whom I took a great shine , and was very impressed with him as a person and indeed his crew .
14 He took a great gulp of the fresh air , enough to sustain him .
15 Athelstan gestured towards an earthenware jug and watched with delight as Cranston took a great gulp then , his face puce as a plum , went to the door to spit it out .
16 Jenna slept badly , waking with a throbbing pain in her head , and it took a great effort to swing both her feet from the bed and sit on the edge .
17 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
18 Coleraine 's Ken Millar broke the five hour record at the Straid Fishery this week when he took a great catch of 27 trout for 47lb 9ozs on Ace of Spades and Viva lures .
19 In any event he did a very professional job with me and took a great weight off Laura 's shoulders .
20 In the spring of 1926 , Lewis 's own secret career as a poet took a great stride forward as he completed his long narrative poem Dymer .
21 In order to draw this out of him , he wrote a vastly elaborate commentary on the Lay , softening the blow of his harsher criticisms by inventing the personae of a whole group of scholarly editors who are debating the text in the way that scholars have disputed over Homer or Beowulf It would seem that Tolkien took a great deal of notice of Lewis 's invented editors , for he rewrote his Kay and incorporated a high proportion of their emendations .
22 Even before the crash I took a great deal of exercise — you have to work at staying in shape .
23 And it took a great deal of effort to set up , a lot of work already done .
24 In the drawing-room he took a great deal of persuading to sit down , and then , when Louise finally joined them , drifting in in her rose-silk dress , Grégoire seemed so overcome that he forgot to rise .
25 Although Stephen 's trips to the mills became less frequent as he appointed capable managers , the farms on the estate and the timber business still took a great deal of his life and Tamar found that time hung heavily .
26 Clive practised his exercises diligently and , when I saw him the following week , he had mastered the breathing technique — although it still took a great deal of concentration on his part and was not something he did naturally .
27 It took a great deal of courage — and self-love — to admit that all her suffering had been in vain .
28 Balancing between them took a great deal of agility .
29 Launching a sugar plantation took a great deal of capital and the planters were always short of money ; many of them had bought estates at the high land prices of the boom , and most of them felt they owed it to themselves to live in a gentlemanly way that ignored debts .
30 For the educated mother in particular , it took a great deal of courage to reject a system of upbringing which combined quasi-religious appeals to ‘ duty ’ and ‘ rightness ’ and ‘ goodness ’ with a claim to be based on the rational attitudes which she herself , as a ‘ modern ’ woman , was supposed to have embraced .
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