Example sentences of "often [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nature does not often answer a call for love , until the caller is tired of calling .
2 Do you often experience a surge of interest in a particular period of history after turning up a find that appears to connect with those years ?
3 Plastics are ‘ cooperative ’ in this respect ; one can often make a pilot moulding out of clear polystyrene , which under stress emits a visible ‘ scream ’ in polarised light , to test where the forces are destructively concentrated .
4 Cheerful little odds and ends arranged with flair can often make a room seem far more interesting than much grander collections .
5 Well can make anything worse and will often make a lot of things carry on longer than they otherwise would normally .
6 The best solution is to have two different amps — I do n't think that one amp alone can ever provide all the sounds you ever need , and people who use Dumbles and Soldanos for their dirty sound will often prefer a Fender Twin for clean .
7 The degree structure is such that an Arts student can often construct a curriculum , with the advice of a Director of Studies , that enables individual interests and aptitudes to be followed .
8 Except when wounded or cornered , leopards will not often attack a human .
9 That can often include a sneak preview of productions bound for London 's West End .
10 The study of the discipline does not often include a study of its own academic evolution ; indeed , one suspects than an ahistorical attitude is sometimes projected by lecturers , as if the discipline had always existed in some vague Platonic sense , and could not possibly not have been there .
11 Although organisations recognise that employees may not always be able to refit old carpets or curtains in the new property , policies do often include a statement to the effect that staff should make every effort to adapt their existing possessions rather than buy afresh .
12 A contract will often include a combination of these provisions , requiring claims to be notified in a particular manner within a specified period , and proceedings to be commenced within a ( longer ) stipulated period , and provide that in default of compliance with the procedural requirements the claim is discharged , or waived .
13 It will often seek a comfort letter to that effect from the offeror 's financial adviser .
14 Although languages or local inflections may have been disguised or distorted , the traveller can often catch a resonance of the most influential peoples in a region through its place names .
15 ‘ Parents will often give a guardian the right to occupy the house for a certain length of time , but it is nearly always left in trust for the child .
16 The numbers of bands in the spectra of initial , intermediate and final samples will often give an indication of the numbers and relative positions of CO ligands .
17 Consequently , I would often choose a fleece pullover or jacket which has a windproof cover .
18 According to representatives at the conference from China , developing countries can often do a lot themselves to advance in space technology .
19 For such patients we have adopted a policy of exercise testing on the one hand to convince them that they can often do a lot more than they feel like doing , and on the other hand to pick up the occasional patient who has severe residual ischaemia but is not declaring it .
20 Who is to be the ‘ boss ’ , territorial disputes , the right to breed , and pair formation , can all be witnessed , and this can often prevent a disaster .
21 Costs draftsmen indicate that taxing masters do not like sectioned files and will often reconstitute a file by putting all correspondence together if a file goes to taxation .
22 As a consequence of the difficulties of poverty in which many working-class children were raised , education did not often provide an escape route for them and many , particularly in towns like Jarrow , faced the prospect of juvenile unemployment .
23 An officer on foot will often spend a whole shift without doing any police work , and without talking to anyone except to greet them and provide simple information …
24 ‘ When things got too hot for her at home with Margaret she 'd often spend a night at my flat cooling off . ’
25 The relationship between dealer and client would often become a fantasy world , based on speculation presented as logic .
26 ‘ Do n't often see a guy bring another man flowers .
27 In my observatory I have a 39-cm reflector , with which I can often use a power of × 600 .
28 ‘ We do n't face the problems we have with some experimental animals , such as heartworms in dogs , which can often ruin an experiment before it really gets underway . ’
29 Yet you can often recognize an adult by the way he or she walks .
30 But the Recycling Rose does not always smell sweet , because recycling waste can often cost a lot of money ; and buying recycled products can often cost more than ‘ raw ’ products .
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