Example sentences of "often [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the development of Imperial architecture and the need for large public gatherings in baths and basilicas the space was more often vaulted with brick and concrete .
2 The reconstruction of extinct species from fossil bones was often undertaken by museum workers , who were thus disposed to see development through time as the unfolding of purely formal relationships between successive species .
3 As a consequence , foreign ships were often chartered in preference to British .
4 Mental strain on parents in either situation is enormous , and often likened to bereavement .
5 In a major survey of special needs provision in middle and secondary schools , Clunies-Ross and Wimhurst ( 1983 ) showed that children with special needs were most often withdrawn from science and modern languages in order to find the time to give them extra help with literacy .
6 It 's then oxygen surface waters are saturated , in fact they 're often super-saturated with oxygen .
7 But in a debate often skewed by anecdote and rhetoric , its steady empirical analysis makes it one of the most significant critiques of the underclass to emerge .
8 Most frequent call is a bubbling note very reminiscent of Curlew ( p. 139 ) , often uttered with head and neck thrown backwards .
9 We see here the way in which battle is often joined between theist and atheist .
10 Most peoples of the world do not , in their conservative heart to hearts , like foreigners and display feelings of hostility ( often tinged with fear ) towards them .
11 The pubs of the Birmingham suburbs by local architects such as Bateman and Bateman , Buckland and Haywood and Holland W. Hobbiss were brick Tudor , occasionaly neo-Georgian , rather more restrained externally , and often situated on traffic roundabouts .
12 The increasing stocking density evident in Powys over the last 3 decades also explains the broadleaved woodland regeneration problem and clarifies why such woods are now often grazed to billiard table-like turf when in the more distant past grazing levels must have been low enough to allow regeneration .
13 Some writers and journalists ridiculed her appeals , which were often received with hostility by militant students .
14 The answer is that , despite his biographer 's sterling efforts to dig up neat psychoanalytic excuses for even his most venal sins , a Dickens often given to kindness , empathy and geniality but more predominantly disposed to be cruel , self-centred , self-pitying and sententious does not come over as an especially lovable specimen .
15 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
16 Some relief was often given in kind , although as Eleanor Rathbone reported , most women resented the ignominy of ‘ fetching the parish ’ and the fatigue of a journey to claim the usually stale and monotonous food .
17 The imaginative subject — these are the subjects I find most often given in school today .
18 At its best , it extended the family circle and brought in new blood ; it relayed vital personal information ( too often dismissed as gossip ) and offered an informal moot for exchanging opinions and information .
19 Despite helping to keep the cities ' streets free of litter , and striving to earn their own keep , they are often treated as vermin by police , who harass and bribe them for ‘ protection ’ money .
20 That the economy of Cuzco depended on tourists was not in doubt ; but neither was the fact that to those who did not profit directly from them , the tourists were often treated with resentment and distaste : .
21 Hypertension — often treated with resperine , from the SE Asian shrub Rauwolfia serpentina
22 Blondel in his study Political Parties : A Genuine Case for Discontent ? claims that " in the great majority of cases programmes are unclear , often limited in scope , and not closely connected to the goals which the party proclaims " and he goes so far as to assert that " on balance parties do not really have programmes " .
23 This process of appraisal is often developed through reference to empirical changes in the processes being analysed .
24 The soils are often developed on parent materials of moderately fine and fine texture .
25 ( An additional consideration is that alcohol is often rationed on safety grounds , which many skiers of my acquaintance would judge to be an unjustifiable infringement of their liberty . )
26 The arms , legs and buttocks of these children are often stripped of flesh so that the skin hangs in folds .
27 Petition-drawers and outdoor proctors were often regarded with distaste by officials , some of whom blamed them for fostering perjury and false cases .
28 The importance of the police gradually increased , but as in many societies they were often regarded with suspicion , fear or contempt .
29 It takes a lot of skill to be able to learn in this way , although it is the way often taught at school — the old talk-and-chalk method of ‘ You listen while the teacher talks ’ .
30 It 's a troublesome beast , this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit .
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