Example sentences of "often [verb] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , one country 's legal system often constitutes an impediment to another country 's attempts to gather information necessary to pursue a domestic case against a transnational corporation .
2 Elite performers often launch an attack as soon as the switch-change occurs , suddenly darting forwards with a powerful attack before the opponent has time to re-calculate your distance from him .
3 Art histories often make an attempt to keep to chronology , although the difficulties include the crucial fact that in art there is no clear sequence of events .
4 The prognathous condition often involves an inclination of the occipital foramen or the latter may retain its transverse position owing to an elongation of the ventral region of the head .
5 The situation is not that we always have confirmed hypotheses , and sometimes or often lack an enumeration of the elements of a causal circumstance .
6 Against this monologic Amis can be set , by way of alter ego , the modernistic Amis of Barbara Everett 's discussion of Difficulties with girls , which occurred in the course of an essay on Hugh Kenner 's fantasy of a British betrayal of Modernism , and which springs the surprise of conveying that Amis , so often supposed an enemy of Modernism , is really a Modernist .
7 A report is similar to an essay but often contains an account of a discussion , the summary findings of a piece of research or of the literature on a given theme .
8 Contracts are drawn up with an eye to flexibility and a contract is often considered an agreement to enter into a general course of conduct rather than something fixing precise terms .
9 Similar principles apply in the case of bonuses , which often involve an element of profit sharing .
10 Such training often has an emphasis on features such as style and quality rather than mere speed of activity .
11 The numbers of bands in the spectra of initial , intermediate and final samples will often give an indication of the numbers and relative positions of CO ligands .
12 Senior state officials , and to some extent political leaders , very often receive an education in political history , constitutional law , and administrative practice ; political scientists and sociologists ( though less frequently than economists ) become advisers to government departments and agencies ; sociological research is carried out to assist in making policy decisions .
13 ‘ Many companies , however successful , tend to be somewhat inbred and for this reason people often welcome an injection of new thinking into their affairs . ’
14 As a consequence of the difficulties of poverty in which many working-class children were raised , education did not often provide an escape route for them and many , particularly in towns like Jarrow , faced the prospect of juvenile unemployment .
15 The establishment of a new academic library often affords an insight into the way collections measure up to such standards as exist .
16 Jacobite pamphlets often reflected an awareness of the mixed nature of their support .
17 Lecturers often give an overview at the start of a lecture and a summary at the end .
18 But this does not excuse the many artificial and unnecessary barriers put up by hearing people — barriers that often betray an ignorance and prejudice about deaf people 's capabilities and needs .
19 ‘ We do n't face the problems we have with some experimental animals , such as heartworms in dogs , which can often ruin an experiment before it really gets underway . ’
20 Yet you can often recognize an adult by the way he or she walks .
21 These have contained a mixture of languages and music , and have often employed an interpreter .
22 This often forms an exception to the normal turn sequence , because the enemy may move to within 8″ during his turn .
23 The Empress was particularly fond of the gondola and often spent an hour drifting about on the water accompanied by one of her guests .
24 A particular feature of the archaeology degrees is the final-year dissertation , in which students often find an opportunity to engage in real archaeological research .
25 The NUM is firmly based within a definite branch of the division of labour , although it cuts across enterprise ( i. e. colliery ) boundaries and although its political interventions often find an echo in other branches .
26 It is true that cats often nibble an irritation , rather than scratch it , but unfortunately some of the most urgent scratching requirements are in the region of the head , mouth , neck and especially the ears .
27 As do some mainstream poets , both groups of submerged poets often manifest an awareness of the body and of the physical world in which it lives .
28 A number had come from scientific backgrounds , fathers ( usually ) were nuclear physicists , engineers , doctors or maths lecturers , and often provided an impetus to study science through discussion of it at home or through help with homework .
29 Mainstream psychology often attributes an agency to working-class , gay and black women that it does not allow to men in these groups .
30 Such companies often use an umbrella title such as ‘ commercial , to designate a group including a specialist marketing activity among its responsibilities .
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