Example sentences of "often [verb] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 These are so often fastened by those who , in the name of love , secure our chains daily in case we have any notions of escape .
2 After church , if it was winter , we went straight home where we were often joined by some of Mum 's old friends , mostly unmarried .
3 Hannah is obviously a natural musician , although the aforementioned modesty forbids her to agree with that assessment But as a child she quickly learned to play both piano and organ with none of the pain and stress often endured by most youngsters , even those with natural skills .
4 The question most often asked by those who have heard an explanation of the mechanics of how parliamentary scrutiny works is what influence does it have on the final result — the directive or regulation which becomes Community law .
5 However ironic it may seem , the same corporate power so often targeted by these protests may be ensuring that such protest art has a guaranteed place in those museums .
6 The criticism was often made by those who disliked the more abstract theoretical work , and who preferred more tangible ideas , which could be shown to have some application :
7 Books on human evolution are often written by those who are not specialists in the subject and the results can be catastrophic or embarrassing .
8 The prelude to this was set by another psychoanalyst called Otto Rank one of Freud 's er early followers who had published a book called the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and in this book what Rank did was to trawl through world folklore and literature , from myths of heroes , and of course there are a lot of those books , and dozens and dozens of them and what he does in the book is he distils all these dozens and dozens of myths and he finds that there 's a common pattern emerges and it 's , it 's pretty stereotypical actually and the common pattern is the hero is born of royal or divine parents , the hero for some reason or other that loses his parents or is cast out by them or is er exposed in some way , erm the hero is often threatened by some outside force and then rescued by er humble people .
9 This kind of statement , issued by a large and highly successful international publishing company could help to mitigate the sense of isolation often felt by those teachers attempting to tackle these issues , often in less than supportive circumstances .
10 However , the journeys of smolts and mature salmon are often separated by several months , and so the smolts ' odour would have to be very persistent to act as a guide .
11 This alternative strategy is in many respects less coherent than Owen 's and it is this which helps to explain the fact that Roger 's approach is often misunderstood by those outside the unit .
12 Deviance , the rule-breaking activities of the beat constable , was often produced by that very authoritarianism .
13 The role of the media as information providers is often overlooked by those who emphasize their overtly political functions .
14 However , the individual concerned would find it difficult to obtain credit in the future — a point often overlooked by those who advocated the system .
15 This argument overlooks a feature of addictive disease that is often overlooked by those who currently advocate substitution with medically prescribed drugs : the addict will commonly take the prescribed drug and an additional illegal drug or may sell the prescribed drug in order to obtain a preferred illegal drug .
16 Letters of recommendation were often requested by those about to sail for India or another overseas possession , and such letters were even sought by those already serving in India when they appreciated that the interest of a man of influence would accelerate their own advancement .
17 Unpremeditated impulses were often frustrated by such hurdles .
18 Management consultancies , forever eyeing profitable fashions , have set up teams specialising in the valuation of firms , often staffed by former academics .
19 I can not help thinking that the booby who so completely misses the point of the question is often actuated by some hidden ( and mistaken ) motive of self-preservation .
20 I do not mean to distinguish here between ‘ work ’ and ‘ leisure ’ ; nor am I arguing , on the basis of such a distinction , that ‘ education for leisure ’ is just as important as ‘ education for work ’ , a thesis often defended by those anxious to justify education in sports or indeed in the arts .
21 It is still true that the tactic of procrastination is often employed by those who are basically hostile to the purpose of a measure .
22 Cramped cabins , often shared by several people and autocratic captains made life on board uncomfortable .
23 Those who have attempted empirical mapping of the prevalence of different organizational types ( Challis and Ferlie , 1986 , 1987 ; Cypher , 1980 ; Howe , 1980 , 1986 ) have charted the increasing emergence of a process of specialization , characterized by Cypher as ‘ specialization by stealth ’ , and often accompanied by some hierarchical classification of both client and worker .
24 Very weepy and clingy ; erratic temperature and changeable symptoms ; thirstless ; often accompanied by some sort of digestive upset — nausea or diarrhoea after the fever has passed ; chilly but dislikes the heat ; thick , yellow , bland discharges ; earache ; lingering eye complaints ; dry cough at night and loose by day ; desires cool open air .
25 The complaints are often accompanied by some sort of digestive upset ( like in Pulsatilla ) .
26 After he had separated from her mother and when she was away at boarding-school , he would drive down to visit her , often accompanied by some rather mature page-boy in jeans or a mini-skirt and Molly would sit with them in silence at an endless tea in the local Trusthouse Forte .
27 Does he agree that those peaceful citizens have their rights too , particularly against the disturbance , disorder and disruption that is often brought by those people ?
28 In many cases this seems to be a means of tension reduction , and management must be directed partly towards developing alternative means of dealing with feelings of tension and partly to helping alleviate the ideas of worthlessness , as well as other problems , often experienced by such patients .
29 During the Belfast community studies , for example — and no doubt this experience is quite general — conversations were often interrupted by several more people entering the room .
30 It 's often caused by some accident .
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