Example sentences of "often [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Mushroom polyps will often reproduce in the aquarium under good conditions .
2 Instead , she writes of those ordinary people who make the miracle , and often suffer in the process : the sarariman painfully climbing the corporate ladder ; the schoolchildren taught to prefer homework to sleep ; the housewives left alone with their drudgery .
3 Oh yes , it often irritates in the same way when you first start to drink spirits you feel
4 Mr Norman has more than one Ferrari , uses his Aston Martin as often as the Rolls-Royce but admits that Laura , his wife , often goes in the family Range Rover to have her hair done .
5 Stream of consciousness and a variety of other devices are used to transcribe an inner mental world at the expense of the external social experience most often favoured in the conventional , realistic forms of earlier fiction .
6 Transactions are often completed in the middle of the night .
7 Transactions are often completed in the middle of the night .
8 I often sit in the dunes
9 I think it is the critical statements , rather than the words of praise , that are more often uttered in the hearing of girls .
10 For years , US judges have relied on the standard , dating back to 1923 and too often honoured in the breach , defining admissible evidence as that which derives from methods of inquiry that are ‘ generally accepted ’ by the scientific community .
11 Family-trees ( genealogies ) similar to this one are often given in the Bible attesting a line of descent .
12 This could also be because women with unexplained lower abdominal pain are often referred in the first instance to gynaecologists , who may not consider an intestinal cause until they have removed the pelvic organs .
13 For weeks , staying in youth hostels and living off substantial farmhouse teas , I wandered the Dales in all weathers , often struggling in the fine morning drizzle along high paths that led only into the clouds , then turning , rewarded , to watch the sunlight dipping through the hills and valleys as the rain stopped , glistening on the crags and throwing giant shadows on the slopes .
14 In fact , Daphne often sleeps in the elephant hut , cuddling the babies and supervising their feeds .
15 He often sleeps in the study rather than in the big bedroom on the second floor , where mine is .
16 The purpose of the organization is often explained in the language of ‘ goals ’ .
17 The musical genius of the Bach family for instance , which was so noticeable , that in that part of Germany where the Bachs lived , the word Bach which actually means brook , started to mean musician , because there were so many of them , er , that kind of inheritance of musical ability , was often explained in the past , as inheritance of acquired characteristics .
18 In his book Mere Christianity , Lewis tells us that there are two mistakes people often make in the way they think about their desire .
19 While socioeconomic criteria may often exist in the minds of planners , there is an alarming failure to relate social and economic needs to acceptable forms of conservation .
20 For the current purpose , demonstrating that they were different is sufficient to illustrate two main points : that understanding a place involves uncovering the multivariate and inter-related nature of its culture , for which the three components of the schema in chapter 3 provide a valuable framework ; and that without understanding the nature of a place in all its complexity , it is difficult to appreciate what happens there during particular events — simple , monocausal explanations ( often located in the sphere of production ) are usually insufficient .
21 A common result is an upward shift of decision making to the new parent company , often located in the south-east .
22 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
23 As we saw in Section 5.3 particularly , the establishment of a genuinely across-the-curriculum study skills programme is one possibility , and further infrastructural changes were also often considered in the wake of the project .
24 These phrases are often embellished in the text with modifiers and slight variations ( often , usually , also , mainly ) which give some extra information to readers of the dictionary .
25 ‘ Herbage ’ was often included in the warden 's farm ; that is , the dues collected for cattle and horses on the king 's forest pastures .
26 The Belouch nomads who roam the borderlands of Persia and Afghanistan are often included in the general Turkoman group , although their rugs are sufficiently different in character and appearance to warrant a separate classification .
27 There are other distinctions and sophistications which are often included in the model .
28 Interdigitating dendritic cells are therefore believed to function primarily as antigen presenting cells , although they are often included in the generic term ‘ macrophages ’ .
29 Ancient laws governed who would have rights to watering holes , but the young herders were often caught in the breach , stealing camels and sometimes women , from neighbouring clans .
30 He often starts in the morning with hydrotherapy which he really enjoys .
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