Example sentences of "both to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In dealing with number , for example , he explores the psychology of numbers with an analysis of symmetry ; he relates musical harmony both to Pythagorean mathematics and to Georg Cantor 's work on infinite and transfinite numbers .
2 They are public bodies having a duty a accountability both to central government and to the electorate in their area .
3 By the early 1630s , however , some Arminians had begun to argue that the English via media was in fact superior both to Roman Catholicism and the more extreme varieties of continental Protestantism .
4 In a somewhat different sense , involving to some extent the balance of rights between generations , the natural environment of human life and more generally the ‘ quality of life ’ , has become a more prominent issue in relation both to economic development and to population growth , through the rapidly expanding activities of ecology movements .
5 Although it was beneficial both to optimal planning and the creation of much-needed accommodation to maximise the number of rooms that could be sited internally , the aggregation of these spaces was still inadequate to ‘ fill up ’ the middle of the broad interior , and in the flour-mill section of the building the residual central space was devoted to a full-height internal courtyard or ‘ atrium ’ which rises through seven storeys to terminate in a glass-roofed conservatory .
6 Further , there is a general westward drift of material along this section of the coast , so that the shingle formations exhibit a wide variety of features due both to straightforward wave action and to longshore drift .
7 In many ways , then , it seemed that the pressure of welfare policy and social planning had indeed led both to greater equality and to more diffused prosperity as pioneers like Beveridge and theorists like Titmus had long forecast .
8 Before leaving the accident site the investigator needs to make a wreckage plot showing where all the pieces of wreckage were positioned , in relation both to each other and to a fixed point on a large scale map .
9 But the disparate elements which made up his southern affinity were linked , both to each other and to the northern retinue , by the same bonds of ducal patronage and personal relationship which gave internal cohesion to the northern retinue itself .
10 But the disparate elements which made up his southern affinity were linked , both to each other and to the northern retinue , by the same bonds of ducal patronage and personal relationship which gave internal cohesion to the northern retinue itself .
11 The tracts show a keen awareness of the reformist approach to preaching , instruction , and penance common both to Dominican spirituality and to the tradition of Stephen Langton and the schools of Paris .
12 That God might enter the pain of the beaten or raped woman , or be privy both to that pain and the power of healing from that pain , is a revelatory insight .
13 But , according to Home Office memos shown both to New Scientist and to Computing magazine , ‘ the computer systems might be linked to form a distributed network encompassing the whole country ’ , with the centre of the network located at the Home Office ADP unit in Merseyside .
14 It used both to good effect and at a further general election , held in October of the same year , won 42 more seats than its Conservative opponent .
15 Members , for example , of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science , the leading forum for the discussion of ideas concerning social reform , recognized in the late 1860s that the London labour market , at least , was overstocked leading both to low pay and irregular employment at the lower end of the working class .
16 Despite his success , the senate objected both to practical training and to Stuart 's radical politics .
17 The first-year course , Politics 1 , is an introduction both to political theory and to British politics , while Politics 2 concentrates on comparative politics and the political systems of eastern and western Europe .
18 Edwin Kerr came to the Council early in the decade committed both to reforming validation procedures , and to rethinking the balance between the CNAA and the institutions :
19 And any relation between members of the same sex which allowed their difference , did not assimilate both to one fantasy , would be heterosexual . ’
20 The research should contribute both to psychological knowledge , by identifying the structure and content of teenagers ' knowledge of road use and how this knowledge changes as a function of experience ; to the practical business of accident prevention , by identifying what kinds of interventions are most needed in pre-driving years and when these interventions are most likely to be effective .
21 These approaches — startling both to old guard materialists and to some conservative believers — deserve the popularisation that is offered in this book with the accreditation of a working scientist .
22 The problem extended both to Old Dissent — what had become in the nineteenth century Independents or Congregationalists and Baptists — and to the Methodists who were wracked by schisms until 1849 .
23 Extensive lists of references are not appropriate in Chemistry in Britain articles , but readers can rest assured that our attention , both to published literature and ongoing work in Europe , including the USSR , has been as thorough as possible .
24 The Poor Law Office , on the other hand , inheriting the most utilitarian forms of social disciplining , was fundamentally opposed both to medical expertise and to any further large-scale financial outlay in aid of poor relief .
25 This subsection applies both to mandatory life sentences for murder and to discretionary life sentences for other offences for which such a sentence may lawfully be imposed .
26 In the context of a carefully chosen example , this study seeks both to further understanding of kinship and marriage systems in mediterranean Europe and to provide an exemplar of the combination of historical and anthropological research methods .
27 These digital data will now be of benefit both to further mineral exploration work in that area , and to the East Grampians mapping project .
28 This applies both to physical access , and to the technology needed to use the resources efficiently .
29 there is one general module descriptor which applies both to vocal work and to a range of instrumental types ;
30 These would apply both to nuclear power and alternative energies ( principally wind ) .
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