Example sentences of "both of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sharon 's father talked to me both of the building and the killing of a community .
2 Story-telling becomes a means of preserving the narrator 's protean fluidity and in that respect both of the novel 's titles are appropriate .
3 The truth of this assertion is proved by actual legislation , by the existence among some classes of a certain distrust both of the law and the judges , and by a marked tendency towards the use of lawless methods for the attainment of social or political ends .
4 Willi made another speech , so did Busacher , so did both of the committee men .
5 Much of the book then proceeds to detail the new forms of economic power , from the Yakuza to the electronic networks which undermine the power both of the state and the banks .
6 In Leetham ( Henry ) & Sons Ltd v Johnstone-White [ 1907 ] 1 Ch 322 Farwell LJ commented : … a man whose business is a corn miller 's business , and who requires to protect that , can not , if he has also a furniture business , require the covenantee who enter into his service as an employee in the corn business to enter into covenants restricting him from entering into competition with him in the furniture business also , because it is not required for the protection of the corn business in which the man is employed , however much it may be beneficial to the individual person , the owner both of the corn business and of the furniture business .
7 Clearly there were also domestic factors involved , primarily concerning Castro 's needs to consolidate the power base both of the revolution and of himself personally .
8 The Assyrian poem The Epic of Gilgamesh is regularly punctuated by dreams , both of the hero and his great friend Enkidu .
9 As the '60s progressed , so the new British pop , as characterised by sexy girls and boys with guitars , took hold both of the music scene and the NME .
10 Our artworks and cultural works must tell both of the issue and of themselves .
11 That Porsche can show so little imagination when launching a new model is a corollary both of the popularity of the old 911 ( the only model unaffected by Porsche 's recent slump in sales worldwide ) , and of the conservatism at the top of the Stuttgart company .
12 Much foreign press comment , most of which was highly sceptical both of the referendum results and of the motives behind it , focussed on the issue of Western Sahara , suggesting that the inclusion of the territory 's people in the voting , and their apparently ready participation , could be shown as a further proof of their supposed attachment to Morocco .
13 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
14 Conversely , the length of inter-birth interval strongly influences the health and mortality both of the child that precedes the interval and the one that follows it ; both are impaired by short intervals .
15 This was a matter both of the outlook of individuals and groups and the product of periodic reassessments by abolitionists of both circumstances and objectives and therefore of the most appropriate forms of activity .
16 In connection with this , state the purpose both of the pronunciation and the structure drills .
17 After the Addison Act both of the minority Labour governments , in power in 1924 and in 1929–31 , extended the local authority house-building programme by means of further subsidies .
18 In the context both of the discussion of devolution to Scotland and Wales and of the consideration of the reorganization of local government , some attention has been given to the case for regional government in England .
19 The main voice for the growing suspicions was Liz Cooper , a member both of the management team and the Founders ' Trust .
20 Ismail Belig 's dating of the latter appointment is likewise almost certainly wrong in the light both of the evidence which follows about the dating of Molla Fenari 's kadilik and of the fact that Molla Mahmud b .
21 In the last resort his conduct is in accord with ‘ Be aware ’ , because he would be acting the same if he were capable of full awareness both of the goal of saving life and of the temporary anguish he is inflicting , but being merely human he would lose sight of the goal if he let his mind dwell on the pain .
22 The duke was to be heir both of the earl 's own northern estates and of his ‘ public ’ role as the leading royal agent in the north .
23 The duke was to be heir both of the earl 's own northern estates and of his ‘ public ’ role as the leading royal agent in the north .
24 It was noted in 3.5 that long-term participant observation , as a consequence both of the relationship of trust which is built up and of a person 's inability to remain vigilant for long periods , has the effect of blurring the distinction between covert and overt observation .
25 Since it opened in May , however , criticism both of the space and its contents , have been rife .
26 Joseph Persico , in a telling biography based on a full understanding both of the man and of the processes through which he was trying to work , makes hay of Bob Woodward 's pretensions to understand either , and displays Casey as a patriot — for good , bad and both together .
27 Hearing the Credo of Padilla 's Mass , with its rhythmic life and impressive interplay between opposing choirs , makes one want to hear more both of the man 's music and of Mixolydian .
28 A well-written and crafted letter which is professionally presented will present a positive image both of the writer and of the organisation .
29 In preparing for war in 1337 it was essential for Edward to gain the support both of the nobility and of the wider political community .
30 There is a strong argument er for us to revert back to the previous legal state of affairs in which the anonymity was preserved both of the complainant and of the defendant .
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