Example sentences of "both [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 This chapter investigates how that world appeared to the players and the lookers on , both at the time and afterwards .
2 They , like the plane , in later years , represented a special link in the canal line between the East Midlands and London , a line for which there were great hopes both at the time of construction at the beginning of the nineteenth century and of its rehabilitation at the end of the century .
3 Something was happening in Britain that allowed the period to be plausibly described , both at the time and later , as permissive .
4 Explanations both at the time and later have tended to point to assumptions about the lower needs of women , irrespective of the work they were doing .
5 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
6 The structure of Liberal argument , both at the time and as it has come down to us in modern land law texts , is thus built upon two suppositions .
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